Looking for Ghosts
21 October, 2000 - 20:31:20

I am so excited! We are making plans to go the haunted prison in Moundsville, West Virginia. Yes!

It's been ages since I've been to a haunted house. I don't scare easily, and they really seem like a waste of money to me. The only things that scare me are snakes, and that goes beyond scaring. That goes into the "carry your friend out unconscious" category. I can't handle it. I am overcome with such fear that I either bolt, bulldozing anyone who is unfortunate enough to be in my way, or I pass out. Either way, I end up shaking and crying and wishing I would just seep into the ground without notice. Phobias are embarrassing. But that's for another day.

I doubt there will be snakes in the prison, not the animal variety anyway. That makes it the perfect experience for me. This is also a more get-in-your-head kind of scare rather than the jump-out-from-behind-a-curtain-wearing-a-Jason-mask kind of scare. Anyone can surprise a person, and I'm always expecting it in haunted houses anyway, so I really don't even jump from that. It's just not that fun. I hope the prison will be more fun, even if it is just the experience of watching those around me freak out. There is nothing like watching someone get spooked, unless you're the one getting spooked.

I just don't get spooked much anymore. Reality scares me more than anything unknown. I used to really get into ghosts and all that paranormal stuff. I'd watch everything I could about hauntings and possessions and psychics and have to turn all the lights on in the house. I hoped to see an apparition. I would sit up at night as a kid, watching my curtains, hoping they would move on their own. I participated in countless "s�ances" and never touched a Oujia board for fear I might bring on trouble. I was a through and through believer in the supernatural.

I never had an "aha" moment when I no longer believed in those things. It happened gradually. I was bored with the television shows and the books. I found too many ways to explain supernatural occurrences. Maybe I just got desensitized from too many X-files episodes. Mostly, I think people bring things to them. We have fantastic imaginations. I really don't feel like explaining all the many theories I have. It comes down to believing in my own power.

If I'm wrong, well, I could be in for one helluva rude awakening. But I'm not going to sit around being worried about it. When something I can't explain happens to me, then I will believe� in what, I don't know. I really, really wanted it to happen for years though, and it didn't. I'm obviously not an attracter of spirits.

This little adventure is probably a bit of a test for me. See how cool a cucumber I really am. I've vowed not to kowtow to any expectations, and I won't be playing along in any crowd hysteria. No weenie bury my face in J's shoulder for me. I want the full, pure experience. I'd go alone if I could, but others will provide me with something to do if it's just a dark, dilapidated, quiet building that doesn't scare me at all.



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