Things I Could Write About
25 December, 2001 - 11:19 p.m.

Things I Could Write About

As much as I'd like to talk about how Christmas day went or how disgusted I get with some of the impositions of family or how both my children exhibited some unsavory behavior or how I kind of missed my family, I am tired. It's late after a very full day with more stress than this holiday usually brings me. I didn't get much sleep last night, and the sleep I did get was broken. This was definitely an off year as far as Christmas is concerned. Maybe it's just the end of a very trying year.

It's all those things and not really wanting to write about all of them and raining (or snowing) on the joy of others. Some would call me ungrateful and pessimistic to be this way, but I find the special days rarely stand on middle ground, and this day is no different. That doesn't mean I have to do the usual whining and complaining that I found so grating today. I shouldn't contribute to the problem.

Tomorrow will be closer to normal, and I can feel safe to complain then. Or maybe I'll just feel like talking about how John set my toaster oven on fire the other day.

Before I sound like I had a completely rotten day, which I did not, here are some of my own happy highlights:

  • Kids didn't wake us up until 8 AM
  • Everyone seemed happy with their gifts
  • Talked to my mom on the phone
  • Ate scones with cream and jam
  • Drank peppermint cocoa
  • Got great gifts from my kids
  • Cuddled with my husband while watching a movie

Overall, I had a good day, even though it might not sound like I did. It's just there are some unresolved issues that reared their ugly head and challenged the work I've been doing on my self. But I won't let that ruin my day, because those things have been there a while. I can deal with them another day. And when I don't want to deal with them, I will talk about them here. Or I'll chicken out, because I don't want to get busted talking smack about people. Now though, I think it's time to return to the good things by taking a bath, reading my book and going to bed.

Decluttering is on Christmas vacation.


One year ago
Holiday Nuisances - I was bitching then too.


One Year Ago Today:


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