Sugar Cookies
23 December, 2001 - 2:23 p.m.

Sugar Cookies

This is what I'm doing today. I got this recipe from my mom, and it's been a Christmas tradition since I can remember. It's almost the only time of year you can find a rolling pin in my hands unless I get a (very) wild hair to make a pie. People ask me for this recipe every single year. Since you can't eat the cookies and then ask me for the recipe, just make them yourself. Buy lots of decorations like colored sugars, cute sprinkles, red hots and those silver balls that the label says not to eat, but we eat them anyway. And make sure to lick the frosting off your fingers as you decorate, so you too can snicker to yourself when your friends and family eat them. But if you have cats, lock them up somewhere as your newly decorated cookies sit out to set, or you'll find paw prints as decoration too.

Sugar Cookies

1 C butter or margarine
1 C white sugar
3 eggs
3 1/4 C flour
1 t baking soda
1/2 t salt
1 t cream of tartar
1 1/2 t vanilla

Allow butter to soften then cream together with sugar. Add eggs. If you're a good cook, you'll mix the dry ingredients together before you add them. If you're like me, you'll add the soda, salt, cream of tartar and vanilla, mix them up well and then add the flour. Refrigerate overnight or until hardened. Roll out sections of dough to 1/4 inch thickness on a lightly floured surface. Cut into shapes. Bake at 400� for 4-5 minutes. Cookies look best before the edges turn golden.


1 C shortening
3/4 C flour
pinch salt
3/4 C water
1/2 t vanilla
1/2 t butter flavoring
1/4 t almond flavoring
2 pounds powdered sugar

I just dump all the ingredients in a bowl and mix until smooth. Spoon out frosting and add food coloring. In my house, trees are green, bells are blue, stars are yellow, gingerbread boys are blue and pink, snowmen are white with pink or blue hats. Your color choices may vary.


Decluttering is on Christmas vacation.



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