On the Third Day of Christmas
27 December, 2001 - 2:41 p.m.

On the Third Day of Christmas

I spent most of this day so far sleeping, or dozing as the case may be. That might even be a case for most people by 2:00 in the afternoon, but I'm not even counting midnight to 6 AM for my calculation. No, if we start today at 6 AM, I've still spent most of my day so far sleeping/dozing. I didn't just get up, but I did only get up three hours ago, and I haven't changed out of my pajamas.

Yesterday wasn't much different, except that I didn't sleep so late. I was pretty worthless until at least noon though, and I don't even remember when I finally decided to stop taking the dog outside in my pink fuzzy slippers and flannel flying pig pajama pants. I think it was well into the afternoon by then. Three at the earliest.

You would think I was on Christmas break from school. I barely lifted a finger since Christmas day. I've been sleeping late and being a complete bum. I didn't even make dinner last night. The reason? I didn't feel like it. I didn't go to the post office like I planned, so I could mail Christmas gifts that didn't get sent before Christmas much less arrive by Christmas. I didn't even pack those gifts in boxes. I didn't clean up the aftermath in our living room and dining room from Christmas day. All I did yesterday was load and run the dishwasher, and the only reason I did that was because there wasn't a clean plate in the house after cookie decorating and no paper plates either. You better believe paper plates got put on my shopping list right then and there.

Today I did start digging out of the debris. I should have done this before garbage pick-up day (today), but I should do a lot of things that I don't do. No New Year's resolutions are going to change that either. I get awfully stubborn when it comes to things I should do. It's self-destructive and stupid. I'm working on it. So I'm only a couple days late in getting my act together around the house. At least I'm doing it. I'm doing it on a gloomy, snowy day, no less. That's pretty good, considering my problem with the whole shorter days, no sunlight thing. As a matter of fact, it's probably the best thing I could do for it.

You can probably guess I didn't get my Christmas list finished. I got the necessary things finished, except for wrapping and sending the gifts to people out of town. None of them seem to mind, and most expect it from me by now anyway. I always feel like I did okay if I get things to people within the twelve days of Christmas (which begin on Christmas day, by the way, not before), so I have until January 6th. I have the lofty goal of getting to the post office today, even though only one box is packed out of three, and that box only had two gifts to send as opposed to the five to ten in the other boxes. As for the rest of the list, I had thirteen things I didn't do, only five of which were things I should have done. That's not too shabby when you look at my track record.

Of course, a big problem was getting sick, but I also spent more time on some things than I should have. I did end up stamping my wrapping paper, which wasn't very time-consuming until I thought little red dots made with a pencil eraser dipped in paint wasn't enough, and I made my own 1x1 inch square stamp, so I could do red checkerboards too. It was the checkerboards that got me. They took forever, and then I had to let the paint dry before I could even wrap with it. John called me crazy a couple of times but conceded that it looked good and people would appreciate the effort.

I also made a double batch of sugar cookies, because everyone likes them so much. It took hours. It seemed like I baked forever on the 23rd. John helped as much as he could, which consisted of him holding the cookie sheets for me as I put the unbaked shapes on them. I called him "pan boy" for the next couple days, because he did the same thing with the decorated cookies the next day. And the decorating sessions themselves? For-ever! Even the kids started grumping, "When are we going to be done?", "Can I stop now?", "Daddy should have to do some." I did get the usual sugar cookie love from the family, and I gave away hoards of the things, but we still have far too many left here at home. I think some more donations are in order.

The cookies also generated a huge amount of dishes. Between the stuff I use to make the dough, the cookie sheets to bake them, the plates we use to decorate them and leave them out to set, the bowls and spoons for the icing and the dishes used to store and transport them, I have filled the dishwasher twice. The next load is just waiting for me to take a shower to get started.

Speaking of showers, I'm overdue for that. It's nearing 3:00, and I'd like to say I got out of my jammies earlier than yesterday.

Decluttering is on Christmas vacation even though it shouldn't be. It's sleeping late too.


One year ago
Being Santa - Why Santa is real.


One Year Ago Today:


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