Home Improvement and Decorating
Home Improvement and Decorating -

It's hard to believe I was going to school for this stuff

19 March, 2001 - Good, Bad and Really Bad

The first bits of green appear in the garden

1 March, 2001 - Up Against a Wall

The dining room table project at a standstill, my new mirror and ugly-ass speakers

22 February, 2001 - This Is My Life

Amongst some discarded dreams, there's some talk about my house and what I want to do with it

19 February, 2001 - Priorities, Shmiorities

A little update of the lack of progress on the table project

8 February, 2001 - Stupid stuff in my head - try and stay with me

I'm totally not kidding about the stupid in this, but I do talk about the table project plans here.

1 December, 2000 - A million projects (or is that paint flecks?) dangling

The bathroom ceiling needs help, but I'm lazy.

2 January, 2001 - No, it's not a landfill

My basement is very much in the decluttering category, but in sure as hell needs to be in home improvement too!


One Year Ago Today:


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