Lacking Dedication
1 June, 2001 - 9:32 a.m.

Lacking Dedication

If I were a trooper, I'd be out in the rain right now on my new bike. But I'm not. I know I'm going to be tearing that new bike up, and it's never going to look this pretty again, but I just can't take it out in the rain and muck the very first day I ride it. I hope it's nice tomorrow.

I took a very short ride up and a down the street last night. I was much better riding this time than I had been in the parking lot at the bike shop. I think nerves of riding for the first time in front of a seasoned mountain biker are probably to blame for my poor first performance. I don't think it will take long for me to get a feel for the bike, but I do need to work on my conditioning. There is not way I'll be able to pedal up a steep, muddy, single track in the shape I'm in.

I decided to post my workout schedule at home for the rest of the family and anyone else who happens to visit the pigpen to see. It's just a little extra incentive for me. I need that added sense of responsibility. The guy at the bike shop asked if I'd been riding. He knows my AR teammate and knows about the race. When I said no, he told me I was behind and better get busy. Don't I know it! That advice scared me a bit. Will I make it in time?

I'll post my workout schedule (today I am to do strength training) in my journal too. It's not terribly exciting, but it's something I need. This is about me, after all.

In preparation for my first ride tomorrow, barring another downpour, I'm going out tonight to watch John's band play and have some drunken fun. Hangovers are great training incentive. I don't really plan on drinking so much I'm hungover tomorrow, but any amount of alcohol is not good for fitness performance. I can feel it if I have just one drink. Since I'll be having a few, I better not judge that first real ride as an indicator of things to come. I don't go out that often, so I'm going to take advantage of it when I can.

I can't believe it's June already. It certainly doesn't feel like June with this cool weather we've been having. It's probably a good thing it has been cool though, because our AC is still not working. We were supposed to call the landlord when we got back from vacation. Neither one of us has remembered to do it. I blame the weather for not reminding us we are going to be damn hot in here if summer ever comes before the AC is fixed. I have "call the landlord" on my list of things to do today.

I put a whole list of things to do on my Handspring last night. I kept thinking of things as I lay in bed with my too-much-coffee-at-night-drinking self and had to use the backlight on the Handspring to enter new things on the list. It looks like this:

  • Get BD gift for Booie party & Grandma
  • Make dr appt for Booie (should have done Tuesday)
  • Call dentist about filling (it fell out two weeks ago; that one has a "!" by it)
  • Call aunt for cookout
  • Call landlord
  • Clean up pig sty house (yes, I actually wrote it like that)

I also have a reminder to call our insurance company Monday to see if they cover the cost of vasectomy. John is actually thinking about "getting his balls cut" as he puts it. I hate the pill because it absolutely crushes my sex drive, even though I'm supposed to take it to suppress the happy little cysts growing on my ovary. I'd rather have sex. Sadly, that leaves us using condoms right now, which really really sucks. We shouldn't have to use them, dammit, though I do like the neatness of them. Maybe that's TMI, but women know what I'm talking about. Even so, condoms suck, so John volunteered to go under the knife as long as I make all the necessary calls. The only time I remember to call is when we're somewhere in the vicinity of having sex, so that's never a good time. I could call now, but I'm supposed to be doing all those other things on my list. Notice, "write journal entry" is not on there.

Since that is not on my list, I better wrap things up here. I want to get most of that stuff done before I have to go play lunch monitor for my son's class at school. There's some special thing going on today that has the kids eating lunch in their classrooms and not enough lunch monitors to go around. I really must remember how much I hate this head homeroom parent business, so I never, ever volunteer, or say yes to being asked, again.



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