Doing Nothing
31 May, 2001 - 3:09 p.m.

Doing Nothing

Booie is in school for a full day today because of the end of year celebration. That leaves me with a small taste of what it will be like when she goes to school all day next year. I thought I would be really productive today. The exact opposite has happened. I woke up tired and didn't feel like doing anything. I've accomplished feeding myself and talking on the phone to Kay. Oh, and I've caught up on most of the journals I read. That's pretty important stuff right there.

Once I finally get a shower, I'll probably feel more like doing some things. I don't want to let my recent productive streak go to waste, plus I'm bored with the Internet now, and I need something to pass the time until the mail comes. We should be getting a check, which means I get to go get my bike today. I hope getting the bike will give me the little push I need to really get into training. I've been terribly lazy lately.

Not doing anything sure doesn't give a girl much to talk about. That's probably why I started thinking about Kindergarteners becoming serial killers and rapists.

The hair, the vest, the pose... I am the epitome of beautyAnyway, check me out kayaking. Could I have had a goofier pose? Probably, but that one ranks up there. I look pretty sexy in that life vest too. I could sit here and pick apart every aspect of myself, like that horrible hairdo, but I was having a good time, and I don't care.

Our tour guide in the yellow, streamlined kayak and a speck of a lighthouseThe funny thing about those life vests is I don't think we got out of water that went past our shoulders. Most of the time, we were probably only in hip deep water. It was a salt marsh after all. It made the tour very comfortable, because all that water that dripped off my too-short paddle into my lap would not have made me very happy if it was the same chilly 60s of the ocean.

It is definitely to your advantage to have your own kayak and paddle. The instructor's boat was much more streamlined. I know the guy has been doing this a while, but he barely had to paddle at all to go three times as far as we did paddling our asses off. I'm not faulting the guy for having good stuff, but that got frustrating at times.

The best sunset picture, and I take it like a drunken foolIn the end, I found out I'm much better at paddling backward than forward. We sat on the water and watched the sun go down, having to paddle back every so often to keep from drifting too far. It was all worth it, but I think I already said that. I didn't have my pictures developed then though. Unfortunately, my best sunset pictures looks like I was about to tip over in my boat, and I hadn't had anything more to drink than a couple of Capri-Suns. It was about while I was watching this that those came back to haunt me. Useful advice: don't drink too much before going on a two-hour kayak tour.

It looks like I successfully wiled my time away. The kids will be home in a matter of minutes, and I haven't even showered yet. I'm so disgusting.



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