Another Busy Weekend
01 October, 2005 - 11:36 a.m.

Except for sleeping in, this weekend is almost just like the last one. This whole week was one thing after another. I haven't even gotten ready to be deployed, and that could happen any time after tomorrow. I have to pack some things, buy some others, get the house in order, all while running this gauntlet of regular activities. I coud have stayed home last night, but I haven't seen the band in a while. They only have one more show before the singer's baby is due, and then who knows? It's possible I won't be able to make that next show either, but really, I just wanted to go. I'm glad I did, and sitting alone wasn't nearly as bad as I thought. The place was pretty cleared out when I got there, so I don't even smell like smoke. It was fun to hear some new stuff, and I just like listening to them anyway.

I had a couple beers, and my heart rate seems to be up again. My weight was down though. I'm trying not to let myself get too excited about that, since beer is diuretic. If I could manage that weigh-in tomorrow, I would be thrilled, but I'm still hoping to manage staying the same.

I don't really have to work out today. It's a scheduled day off, and I've done more than the planned exercise for the week, but I think I'll jump on the treadmill anyway. It may be just what I need to keep that pound away. That's all I have planned until the band festival. I should do some other things this afternoon, but I don't know. I'll see how it goes after I work out and shower.


One Year Ago Today:


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