2 August, 2001 - 11:47 a.m.


It's been crazy since all the visitors have come into town, and the last thing I'm thinking about doing is sitting down and writing. I'm so tired when I get up and at night that I don't think to write, and during the day, we're busy. One set of visitors leave tomorrow, so things will settle down a bit. Then I will only have my sister here with us until my parents come back on the seventh.

Between activities, I'm trying to keep up with everyday life. My stupid vacuum cleaner broke on me the day everyone came into town, so I had a fur-covered carpet. I didn't get that fixed until Tuesday, but we were gone all day yesterday, so no vacuuming got done then either. My dad joked that the fur can protect the carpet from stains, and we can just peel it up every so often, kind of like a lint filter on a dryer. Not entirely a bad idea, but it's pretty nasty when I'm sweaty and have to lie on it while exercising.

I have kept up with my exercise, and I'm running today with my partner. She couldn't go on our usual Monday run, but I went anyway and had my best time yet. We plan on running the trails today to keep a little cooler since the heat and humidity are pretty high today. I'll have to dip myself in bug spray to make sure a deer tick doesn't bite me. In the past month, I've heard of two cases of Lyme disease in the area, one of them being the third person on our adventure racing team. I have enough obstacles without getting a nasty disease.

Those are the things I have been doing. The list of things I haven't done is quite a bit longer. I can't seem to catch up on email and kind of gave up on it until life settles down a bit. I'm not doing my usual web surfing, but that's not a terrible loss. I can catch up on the stuff I'm missing there. Laundry is a couple days late in being done. The house needs picked up a bit. The yard looks rather disastrous. And as always, I need to go grocery shopping. That's because I've been cooking though. Yes, I said cooking. I would say the cooking rather outweighs the list of things I haven't done.

Oh� and I took three boxes of stuff to the Goodwill, and we're selling a ton of stuff on eBay, including our previous digital camera. So we're decluttering and making money on the stuff we don't use. Yay!

Now I suppose it's about time I start working on that list of things that still need done. I'm rather glad I'm spending the day at home. That trip to the Science Center yesterday about did me in.



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