Night and Night
05 September, 2005 - 12:38 a.m.

Last night, I couldn't keep my eyes open. Tonight, I could do whatever I feel. I don't understand it at all. I didn't sleep late or anything. No late caffeine. I'm just not tired.

John felt like I did last night, but he managed to stay up, something I could not do. I tried. I kept passing out anyway. He was able to stay awake all the way to the end of the race. Even if the race was on last night, I couldn't have stayed awake. I really don't think anything at all could have kept me up. I obviously rested very well. Too well maybe.

We had an easy-going day. I started off with a nutritious breakfast of leftover apple crisp. I should have left it at MIL's house where one of BIL's friends was sure to devour it, but I couldn't resist bringing it home for myself, making sure my self would stay entirely intact. I ask myself if it was worth it, and I honestly think it probably was. I don't make apple crisp all that often. I love the stuff. It really was a rare occasion, so I took advantage. I did not bring home the leftover almost-untouched gallon bucket of ice cream. There was no excuse for that, but that didn't prevent me from looking for one. Even asked each kid if one of them wanted it. I was surprised they both said now. Good thing they did though, because even for me to ask shows how weak I was.

I am really thinking about Weight Watchers again. I hate that paying someone to weigh me once a week is my biggest motivator, that I can't manage this on my own. I think I'm going to give myself until the end of the month to make decent progress. If nothing happens, then I may try it. I also considered Body for Life, but I'm not sure that would be any different. It's the paying and having someone else weight me. Mostly it's the weighing though.

All this fat talk made me tired. I'll try to work through more tomorrow.


One Year Ago Today:


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