Worse Than a Kid
06 February, 2002 - 4:32 p.m.

Worse Than a Kid

This dog of mine has had me outside so many times today, and only half of those times were because she needed to go outside. In fact, she's whining at me again right this minute to go out again even though she was just out not 30 seconds ago. Stupid dog.

She goes through this every so often, where she wants to go in and out. She doesn't want to just be outside on her own though. She wants to have me stand there with her. If I leave her outside, she whines to be let back in. She wants to be out, but she wants to be out with me, and I have too much to do for that right now. It's not a whole lot of fun to just stand there while my dumb dog sniffs every square inch of the yard and everything in it either.

I'm not feeling very fun today anyway. I've been unbelievably tired the past few days. I've taken some sort of nap almost every day since Sunday, and I'm starting to wonder if maybe I've just got some kind of bug and that could be why my heart did all that goofy stuff over the weekend. It doesn't even bother me at all today, but I still have to go in for tests.

I did go to the doctor on Monday, and they did a little test on me that couldn't have lasted more than a minute. I don't know what they could have found in that time. What they did find was that my heart seemed perfectly normal. In fact, everything seemed normal, but more tests are necessary anyway� just to be sure. So I go for an echocardiogram on the 21st, and I have to get a monitor that same day which I'll have to wear for a 24 hour period. I'm also getting blood drawn for yet another thyroid test, but I haven't managed to haul my ass back to the doctor's office to get it drawn. The lab was closed by the time I had my appointment Monday. I'm pretty sure that nothing is going to come up on any of these tests to explain anything and that this weekend was just a freak occurrence. Even so, I'm still not supposed to have caffeine or exercise until the results are in. I'm not very happy about that.

My tiredness lately could very well be caffeine withdrawal, but I've went through that before, and I never slept this much. I always had a headache the other times too. No headache this time. Of course, this sluggishness doesn't make it likely I would exercise, but I would like to do it if I felt like it. I might be defiant and do it anyway if I ever feel energetic enough to do more than walk from one sitting surface to another.

I am so far from exciting that I'm boring myself.


Various clothes


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Back to Work - Getting myself back on track around the house.


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