Breaking the Nap Habit
10 February, 2005 - 12:29 p.m.

I need some kind of appointment every morning, so I can't even think about napping. If I need a nap, I should do it in the afternoon. I just waste too much time when I nap in the morning. It's the best time to get things done. I feel better inside and out. I'm now vowing to postpone naps until afternoon.

I worked out with John's cousin this morning. We want to start doing Tae-Bo on Thursdays since she's off work. It helps us both with exercise. That way, I'm always doing one day a week. I usually do more if I do one. It helps keep me from making excuses. That's why experts recommend getting a workout buddy, I guess.

I have lots of cleaning to do. I told Booie she could have a friend over if she cleans her room. Well, it's not just her room that needs cleaned for visitors. I'll probably make up for all the days of doing nothing today and tomorrow because of it. I just hope I don't totally slack after that, which is what I tend to do. Rather than keep on top of things, I give myself a too-long break for working so hard.

I'm going to check FlyLady's site for guidelines and get to work.

6:04 p.m. - Dry Hands, Green Fingernails

I totally made up for those days of doing nothing! I busted my ass! I have been working like a dog since I printed the Crisis Cleaning guide. I'm butt tired and starving, but I feel good. I shouldn't need a sleeping pill tonight (been taking them a couple nights now). John has band practice though, so we'll see.

Hammy got in on the act some when he came home. He cleaned up the clutter in the entertainment center without being asked anything. He is such a sweet boy now! After all the trouble and heartache in junior high, this is a real treat. I hope we continue down this road, though. I tend to think we will. I'm not working anymore and being a better parent. I'd like to think he's learned some things too. And he's naturally such a good kid. I'm a very lucky mom.

Both our kids are great. I'm so proud of them. I still worry constantly and never feel like I do enough. Somehow I doubt that will ever change.

I still have weights to do today. I'll do that after John leaves. I have to take Hammy to and from tech at school too. It's for the play. I like to see him involved in things. I don't love driving all over, but it's worth it. I think that's it for today though. That's definitely enough.

I hope dinner gets here soon!

11:35 p.m. - Eternally Owlish

I am wide awake. I didn't even have Coke at dinner like everyone else. I'm out of diet, and I refuse to start drinking regular again. I did weights. I drank water. I bathed and brushed. I finished up the dishwaser which isn't even my job, but I unloaded, reloaded, ran, and put it away. Because I was on a tear today. I was exhausted earlier. Now I feel like I could go another six hours.

I'm not taking a pill. I don't want to rely on them. Maybe a few days of getting up and working my tail off will make me go to sleep when I should. I do have to keep this up another day at least.

Booie's having a friend over for a sleepover tomorrow. She worked really hard today, so she earned it. That means I have to get ready too. I need to go to the grocery store as well as finish cleaning the house and put the finishing touches on her room. It's going to be a very busy day.

I plan to get yoga done first. I'll do that, then breakfast, then shower. Make a shopping list. Shop. Put everything away. Finish cleaning the living room (easy), bathroom (easy), kitchen (moderate), dining room (moderate), and Booie's room (hard). I odubt there is enough time for all of it, but I will do my best. At least the place won't be a dump.

I haven't been on the scale since Sunday. I'm nervous about this week. In ways, I've done well. In others, I've done very poorly. I'm tempted to check, but at the same time, I'd just rather wait. I guess I expect bad news after beaing surprised last week. Plus I started weights, and I always seem to gain when I do.

I think I'm actually getting tired. Must be from thinking about the scale.


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