10 April, 2002 - 10:45 a.m.


It's the day of nasty jobs for me. There is one job I have to do, and I decided since I have to do that nasty job, I may as well just make a day of it. Get all the nastiness done in one day. Sounds like fun, huh?

Yesterday went from being a day of me being a big, lazy bum to me running all over creation. Hammy got home from school, and soon after, we had to go get Booie from Brownies. Not long after that, it was time to take Hammy to soccer practice, now that soccer season has finally begun again. Next it was time to pick up John from the bus stop, because he couldn't get the closer bus due to the craziness that is downtown Pittsburgh right now from construction on one of the bridges.

To completely get off topic for a minute, downtown Pittsburgh is rather isolated in a way. It sits in a triangle of land surrounded by a Y of rivers. Next to Venice, Italy, the city of Pittsburgh has the most bridges in the world. This means that to get in or out of the downtown area, you have to go over the bridge, unless you happen to live further up the middle section of land, which the majority of the population does not. One of the main bridges in the city closed to outbound traffic, causing countless headaches and five months of road rage. Many people are opting for the public transportation, which John has used all along. This makes John's ability to get a bus even more difficult than ever before, since the busses to our area only run every 45 minutes, and people going to stops in between pile onto it and fill it up. Either John is going to start losing some weight from walking so far from the more distant bus route, or I'll be picking him up. I'm thinking he will be walking more often. Poor guy. But at least it's nicer out now.

Anyway, I was getting to my first nasty job in a very roundabout way. To continue, after picking up John, we went to get some dinner, because I didn't have time to prepare anything, and the time was already nearing 7:00. We grabbed the food, which took forever, because we were overcharged and had to get a credit from a totally inept cashier, which left us no time to stop by home before picking up Hammy from soccer practice. If we had psychic abilities, which I sure wish I could buy somewhere, or just been smart and remembered the soccer coach always runs late, we would have known that we could go home. We aren't too bright though, so we sat in the parking lot and started eating like the hicks we are, while waiting for practice to finish.

All this, and I still haven't even gotten to the real story. I told you I could talk forever.

The dog rode with me each time I went to pick people up or drop them off, and she didn't get any breaks in between really. While getting food, she climbed into the front seat and chewed through a pack of Jolly Ranchers, making a sticky mess all over the passenger seat. But that is the least of my worries today. When we got home for the final time, we failed to take her out right away. Like I said, this dog will not talk when she needs to make a trip outside, and we also failed to notice her pacing frantically about, because we were in the bedroom at the time, and there is little room for frantic pacing to be noticed. The kids were in the dining room, but both of them are completely oblivious to the dog unless they are told to watch her. Even then, they have been known to miss the cues. Kaya couldn't hold it any longer and pooped right in the middle of the living room floor, not two feet behind Hammy. Did he notice any of this? No. It was I who came out of the bedroom and saw the string of poo. The poor dog obviously tried to hold it and walked across the floor during her accident. I give her credit for that, but it made the mess even bigger than had she defiantly just dropped a load in one spot.

The good thing about the mess is it's pretty easy to clean up. I could get into detail, but anyone who has a dog or knows about dogs will know what I mean when I say Kaya has a pretty strict diet of good dog food. Relatively little smell and compactness is all I'll say about that. Still, there was poop on my floor, and it happened to be right where I do my yoga and Tae-Bo (when I actually do them). Yuck-o.

This morning, I had to do yoga in another part of the living room, and it was cramped and awkward. Not that I wouldn't have done a more thorough cleaning anyway, but the location make me decide to pull out the big guns today and just shampoo the whole damn carpet. It's a job I've been putting off. If I spot cleaned where the poop was, I'd have a five foot long path of clean carpet surrounded by grey, dirty carpet anyway, so I might as well shampoo the whole thing.

My other big, nasty job includes cleaning out the refrigerator. Maybe you are the kind of person that keeps a clean and pretty refrigerator. Maybe you eat all your leftovers or throw them out in a timely manner. Maybe you don't lose things in the back of the bottom shelf (that's where that broccoli went!). My refrigerator is currently a nightmare, especially after all the Easter leftovers handed off to me, and it all needs cleaned out. If I'm lucky, I'll get it done before the trash picks up today. If not, our garage might kind of stinky by this time next week. I have no idea what might be lurking in that fridge, but I'm going to find out.

I have to clean up the yard today too. Dog + yard = another nasty job. (I'm trying not to say poop too many times in one entry.)

If I get to it, I'm going to clean out the truck. Anyone who allows their kids to eat in their vehicle knows what kind of a mess this can be. I still remember when John said no one was to eat in the truck. That flew out the window about a month after we got the truck when we made a two-day trek to North Carolina for vacation that year. It was never reinstated, and our kids are pigs. I don't know how they can slop so much food and still gain sustenance from what manages to make it in their mouths. We'll see how tired and disgusted I am before I commit to the truck project.

While all this is going on, I have laundry going. Anyone who's been around here for a while knows how much I love that job. It might not be nasty in the vile, sloppy sense, but it's near torture on my household chore scale.

Now that I've wasted forty minutes talking about what I'm going to do and not doing it, I suppose I should get busy. If you were ever going to visit, tomorrow might be the best day. My carpet and fridge will be clean as well as our clothes. The nastiness might have migrated to my mood though, so maybe that's not such a good idea.


I'm cleaning up filth instead.


One year ago
Chance of Flurries - And I thought last weekend was a busy one!


One Year Ago Today:


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