When All Else Fails, Exploit Your Dog
28 March, 2002 - 4:04 p.m.

When All Else Fails, Exploit Your Dog

Since I can't seem to come up with anything good to write lately, I'll post pictures.

Earlier in the month, I said I'd post the picture of my poor dog's zit shining in the camera flash if someone mentioned it. Well, guess what? Someone actually did, but it's been so long that she doesn't even remember. (Remember now?) Still, I'm a woman of my word, so�

How Unbecoming!

It doesn't look as huge as it really was. Poor thing's going through puberty. She is somewhere between two and three years old after all, which translates to being a teenager in dog years. Since that time, she's had two more zits (one picture below). Why the sudden rash of zits is beyond me, and I try not to make a fuss about it, so she doesn't get embarrassed. She's napping now, so she doesn't know I'm doing this. Make sure no one tells her. And in the meantime, if anyone knows any dog zit remedies, be sure to let me know. I'm sure Miss Kaya would appreciate it.

Another One

Last of all, I had to put up this picture�

I love dog noses

Yes, I had to hold her face, not that she hasn't stuck her nose in the camera a million times on her own. She didn't fight it one bit. In fact, she was wagging her tail like crazy and came right back for more when I let her go. I grab her snout all the time, and it's become a game with us. I'm sure having a flash in her eyes was much worse than the snout-grabbing, but she's had so many pictures taken, that she's either blind or beyond caring anymore.

This whole thing probably makes me seem like a terrible dog owner. I'm posting humiliating pictures of her zits and holding her snout for a picture. That's truly as bad as it gets around here though. I think she cares less about those things than she does making her "tell me" she has to go out. She hates to speak, whine, bark, groan, you-name-it. She's a very quiet dog, and it's sheer torture for her to make noise unless there is another dog nearby. Then she won't shut up. Otherwise, she would probably rather show the world a million zit pictures rather than tell me she has to go outside. She's goofy.

This is at least the second entry I've written about the dog, and I still haven't really written about either of my cats, even though (shh, don't tell) one of those cats is my very favoritist animal in the whole wide world. I guess I feel like I can't do him justice. I want to make sure I do it right, and I have yet to get together all his best pictures. And the other one? Well, we don't call her Bitchy (her real name is Biddy, but close enough) for nothing. It might be a long time before I finally dedicate an entry to that orange hag we call a pet cat.




One year ago
So Far Today... - Lame, cop-out, review of the day type entries


One Year Ago Today:


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