The Wrong Way
11 September 2005 - 7:55 a.m.

There is no way I weight what that scale said. How could I gain three pounds in a week I was the epitome of good weight loss habits? I suspect the strength training. I can't ever seem to do that without gaining. I know in my head it's water and muscle, but it's still discouraging. I worked so hard this week. Didn't miss a workout. At pretty well. Drank water. Did weights every day I had. This is one of those times I ask, "What do I have to do?"

8:02 p.m. - What To Do

Earlier this week, I considered volunteering for the Red Cross. I looked up information, and I decided to take the disaster relief training, so I would be ready for future disasters, which I hoped would be few. I did not actually sign up at that time, being late in the day and distracted by my everyday life. It got filed away in my head as something to do.

Over the weekend, I heard more about the need for volunteers. Today, John mentioned the need for replacements for the people already in the Louisiana area and said he would do it if we weren't dependent on him for income. I told him I thought about it myself and how I was concerned about the kids. He was encouraging and assured me he and the kids would do just fine. I plan to call tomorrow to get on the waiting list for training, and I'll go get my hepatitis vaccine series started, like I should have done a long time ago. I know I need to update my tetanus, but I'll wait to see if there are other shots I need before I go ahead and do that.

I still have so many doubts. My main concern is my kids. I know they can manage three or four weeks though. I would probably be worse off than they would be. Even being busy wouldn't make me miss them less. I may miss them and John even more, since I wouldn't be with people I know. I worry about being lonely and dealing with everything. I've done enough camping that no electricity, running water, or regular bed would be OK. It's the people and the emotion of it all. I don't want to be crying all the time, but then I know I'm always stronger than I expect, like when Booie was sick. If I'm needed, I want to help, and that's what keeps the worries from taking over.

I'm a good candidate, since I don't have a regular job or school that I would be missing. John has the ability to work from home some to be more available for the kids. I have some medical experience and CPR training. I am good under pressure and don't mind living without luxuries. Most of all, I want to help. I'm sure there will be some way for me to do so, even if it's locally.

I have thought about how I would handle diet and exercise if I were sent away. I've been doing very well, and that would be one of those things that gets me off track. I never recover well from that. It isn't a top concern, but I have thoughts about it.

It's all up in the air right now, so I'm going to let it go. I'll see if I can get trained first and go from there. I won't know anything at all until I can call tomorrow.

I decided to not count my weigh-in for the week until tomorrow either. That's one more day of recovery for my muscles. More time to flush things out too.

I really want to do it this time--get myself fit and healthy. Once again, I didn't do well over the summer, but I picked up again sooner. Overall, this year has been much better. I've exercised more and had fewer and shorter gaps. I've done more strength training than ever. Now if I can close up the gaps, I'll really get somewhere.

Since last week, I finally started really watching what I eat too. Having John do it too has been inspiring and makes it easier. I don't feel as deprived when he's not eating whatever he wants. I really hope I can keep it up. The true test comes in a couple weeks when PMS is due to strike again. It may not be as bad if I'm exercising and eating better.


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