Keep Me Occupied
12 July, 2003 - 9:33 p.m.

I spent the first part of the day scurrying around with my husband, attempting to clean the house. We had a mortgage representative coming, and we didn't want to present a dump while asking him to refinance our home. Look at this, Mr. Moneybags! This fine piece of property is worth every penny!

Mr. Moneybags showed up at the door two hours early to our stereo blaring Nicotine & Gravy to the chagrin of all our respectable neighbors. Serves them right for joking loudly before 9 AM on a Saturday. John asked that he wait a minute while we did a one-arm sweep of the sofa and coffee table so he would have a place to sit down and present his pitch, if he still thought he wanted to after stepping over a couple of scraggly knee-high weeds and past the rusty railing. Not that I could have done anything about the rusty railing in the two hours I thought I had before his arrival, but I did plan on pulling those weeds and picking up the less-than-scenic dog poop deposited much too close to the walkway (thank you, Kaya). I tried not to think about those things, smoothed some flyaway hair back into my pigtails held with mismatched elastic, and sat down to talk dollars and cents.

Surprisingly the loan guy still wanted to give us a better interest rate, so we worked some numbers and signed some papers. As he left, I noticed mucho animal hair stuck to his nice, black dress pants. I thought about offering him one of our travel-size lint-rollers, but he's getting a good chunk of our money for closing that loan, so I just smiled pleasantly and waved good-bye.

By this time, it was well past lunch, and my stomach was wailing loud enough to make the dog turn around and look. We jumped in the car for some fast food, because I've been very very bad lately and not cooking. As payment for my transgression, the stupid drive-thru crew forgot our sandwiches, so we ate fries for lunch. Yes, I should have checked the bag, but I was secretly satisfied that for once, my order wasn't the only one messed up and John would have to suffer what I have countless times. He scrounged leftovers after his hearty meal of french fries. It looks like I've found the one way to make him eat those. Watch out, honey!

I played with my new digital camera for a while, but I was soon bored. A girl can only take so many photos of her dog and cats. I took lots of pictures of the hydrangeas in the back yard too, but I'm not going to mess with those until later. Since I finally installed Photoshop on our computer, I can edit those to post here. How about that? It's only been how long since I paid for my gold membership here? Like anyone would know. I don't know why I ask dumb things like that.

It's this day, that's why. I've been without cause since Mr. Moneybags left. I don't want to do the laundry or pull the weeds or finish cleaning the house. I didn't even want to read my book, and you know I'm out of sorts when I don't feel like reading. I no desire to shop either, not even for shoes or pajamas. Since we'd gone book shopping just last night (which is when we went digital camera shopping too), I had a big stack of new books, curing me of any desire to that either. Even a screaming craving for chocolate wasn't getting me out of the house.

Eventually, we did go out again, this time for dinner, because I'm still not cooking, even after the lunch mishap. We stopped by KMart to eye up the patio furniture I want too, since we are no longer getting the patio furniture my in-laws had. Someone else "needs it more," and even though I want the KMart set more, I'm still more than miffed that other people's financial bungling always costs us. It's not about the money at all; it's about favoritism and enabling and bunches of other dysfunctional behavior that just chaps my hide. I suspect this subject will come up in counseling again.

Now we're back in the house, and I'm back to being bored off my butt, because I'm a short attention span nightmare today. John is busy listing all my Magic Online cards, since I haven't logged on there since before Christmas and don't use them anymore. He estimates I have over $500 worth of virtual cards, most acquired by him through his own adept wrangling, but he is kind enough to allow me to spend it where I will. That's how I got the new digital camera.

Having credit again is a wonderful thing. I'm getting my camera for free for the next six months while I let my card sale money sit in the bank and collect the wee bit of interest it can in that time. I just like being able to do such things. It's my little taste of wealth.

Because of my inability to entertain myself, you lucky people got an entry, on the weekend no less. I'm sure everyone who sets eyes on this is thrilled to no end.


One Year Ago Today:
Bad Feelings (from two years ago)


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