Once Your Journal Gets So Old, It's Hard to Be Fresh
17 July, 2003 - 2:28 p.m.

I spent most of the day sitting in front of this box in a tank top and underwear. Wouldn't that be a sight to behold? Or not.

I hate when I waste days like this, but I end up doing it anyway. Over and over again. At least I have something to get me out of the house later, since we're going to a baseball game. That's good, but it's bad because the house needs cleaning (as always), and Hammy is coming home from Nebraska tomorrow with his dad and a friend of his dad's whom I haven't seen since I was much younger and thinner. Since I can't resolve those two things within a day, I can at least get my house looking better, don't you think? I don't need to be adding piggier to my list of things I've become.

One of my problems lately is I've become absolutely obsessed with my fotolog. Not only with viewing pictures, leaving comments, and checking for comments on my stuff 400,000 times a day, but in taking pictures. It's much like when we decided to buy a car, and I looked at every single car on the road and in parking lots and on television to see what was out there and how it looked and how happy the people driving them seemed to be for days, even after we bought our own car. Now I'm looking at everything to see if I can take pictures of it, or more appropriately, how I can take interesting pictures of it. It's a personal challenge to not just find interesting things to photograph, but to make the ordinary interesting.

I've always enjoyed photography, but I never really had good equipment and relied on borrowed things. Other hobbies took over, and photography became an occasional pasttime. Now my interest is renewed tenfold, and I have a lovely new digital camera that fits in my pocket, so I can shoot any time I want. I still don't have lots of nifty equipment, but I don't need to be spending a gazillion dollars when I can do my amateur thing just fine with what I have. It's not like I'm going to get a job doing this or something. I'm happy posting what I do to Fotolog and getting comments there, even if I am (as usual) a middle-of-the-pack caliber photographer.

There are some amazing photographers there, so I'm not just saying I'm mediocre to lobby for ego-boosting comments. I know where I stand, and I'm perfectly happy to be able to get a good capture once in a while. It's humbling while still being fun as hell.

You probably wouldn't know it, but I'm in an exceedingly foul mood today. So before I start spouting some kind of bitterness, I will depart.


One Year Ago Today:
Home Again (from two years ago)


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