A Successful Party
12 August, 2001 - 4:29 p.m.

A Successful Party

The party for the kids went off well, even though some of the people left a little early. Poor Hammy didn't have any other boys show up, so he played by himself most of the time. This is his last big family birthday, so I felt kind of bad that it worked out that way. He was very happy with his gifts though, so I think that made up for the disappointment in male attendance. I hope it did anyway.

The taco bar I made was a huge success. It wasn't as easy to do as I thought it might be, but it was easier than grilling a bunch of hamburgers and hot dogs, especially when we don't have a grill anymore. Ours finally rusted so much that it fell apart. There is no grilling for us this year. I think the tacos added some variety to the usual picnic/party fare. All but a dab of taco meat was devoured, so it was obviously well-liked.

John played out again last night, so I was left home alone the second night in a row. I didn't clean this time, even though there was tons of dishes and other things to pick up after the guests left. I was tired. (I don't have that excuse now. I'm just being lazy.) I lay on the couch and watched bad movie after bad movie, ending with The Perfect Storm, which wasn't bad. John came home at the end of that movie, almost 4 AM, and we crashed for the night.

I still managed to wake up a little after 10 AM, but I didn't actually crawl out of bed for another forty minutes. I usually hate lying in bed like that, but two late nights made it more appealing than usual. We got up and went to buy a gift for another birthday party Booie was attending today. We dropped her off, then ate. Then I took John and Hammy to the in-laws where they would meet John's dad and go to a charity event for a local radio station. While on our way there, John's band was mentioned on the station as being in attendance at the event. Pretty neat to hear their name on the airwaves, but they weren't going to be playing due to the singer's voice disappearing last night and not making a reappearance today.

By the time I dropped off the boys, it was time to go get Booie again. It was raining steadily by that time, so I figured picking her up from the miniature golf birthday party might not be a bad idea. The Dairy Queen along the way had a sign that said it was a great day for ice cream. I thought it was a better day for coffee and stopped at the coffee shop instead.

Since then, Booie and I have been playing Frogger and hanging out. It's time I started cleaning up around here though, so we don't have party aftermath for a week. I have to work out today too, even though my new training program has this as a rest day on the very first day of it. I've rested far too many days already, so I think I'll run when the boys get home.

Now that I have time to talk about all the things that were keeping me away from the computer, I can't really think of much more than a laundry list of what I did today. Pathetic. I'm talking about cleaning and exercise when I had roller coasters and ball games earlier in the week. But that is my life.



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