Decreasing the Debris
13 March, 2005 - 7:57 p.m.

After a long, emotional discussion, we did get to work on the basement and garage. And we made some impressive progress. The garage is now accessible all the way to the back, and we no longer have to open the door to go from the basement door to the other side. Once we get rid of some more Goodwill stuff, sell the old appliances, and put the tons of garbage out, there will be even more room. As it is now, none of that even has to be done to get the treadmill in, but some of it will be anyway just to get rid of it. The garage is that good though, and we even added the pinball and arcade machines in there. I need to remember never to tell John and Hammy to put stuff in the garage without specific directions. They literally threw things in piles wihtout any sort of order. I thought it implied boxes and things should be stacked, but that didn't seem to be the case. It was chaos. Not that it's orderly, we can go through what's in the boxes and get rid of even more.

The basement can now receive a treadmill. It's much better, but there is still work to be done. My area is a complete disaster, as is the laundry room. And there's more organizing to be done all over. That's my job these next couple days, along with laundry that I haven't done in over a week.

So I'm going to tackle that now. It's the least I can do after shopping with Booie this afternoon while John and Hammy work.

11:32 p.m. - Tomorrow Is Test Day

I am going to get my blood drawn and my chest x-rayed. I am going to do it. I've put it off for two weeks, and I am not going to put it off anymore. No excuses.

I have to admit, I'm a little nervous about the bloodwork, which is probably why I convinced myself there was no way I could make it without eating breakfast for two weeks. It's not that I'm concerned about my thyroid. That's been tested several times. And even though I know something could change, I don't think it has. What has me fretting is my cholestorol. Why it has me avoiding this is so ridiculous. Especially considering I haven't eaten any meat bu tfish in nearly three years, and I don't eat lots of fatty dairy either. At least I haven't for quite a while. I didn't have McDonald's the night before like last time it was drawn and turned out just fine. There is no reason it should go up, but I fear my weight will somehow affect that, just like it did my blood pressure. The BP-weight connection at least makes sense. I just can't seem to let go of the notion that my weight ruins everything.

I did lose weight this week. Quite a bit for me--2.5 pounds. Body fat stayed the same though. I was so thrilled about the weight, that didn't matter. I'm under 210 for the first time in about six months. I'd like to be under 200 at the end of April. I'm moving in the right direction. Finally. And it should continue that movement with the help of our new treadmill to be delivered and set up Tuesday afternoon. I am so excited. I believe this will help me immensely with my weight loss. I will become the real runner I always wanted to be.


One Year Ago Today:


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