Interrupted Thought
13 August, 2001 - 11:45 a.m.

Interrupted Thought

Man, I just can't think. I'm going through that wishy-washy pre-period stage where I want to eat constantly and do nothing. This is one of those days where I could sit on the couch all day long and watch bad TV while eating the rest of the birthday cake, ice cream, popcorn, chips and whatever other goodies and even non-goodies we have. I haven't had one of these in a couple months, so I think it's hitting extra hard this time. I'm even having trouble maintaining this stream of thought.

So anyway, John came home much earlier yesterday than I thought. I think it was before 7 PM that he and Justin walked through the door, and I was instantly happy. I didn't even have to talk or use my fledgling communication skills, because all the irritability melted away when he walked through the door, full of excitement and happy to see me too.

It seems the band did end up playing the charity event. The singer's voice came back well enough for him to sing, and John walked in the place to hear one of the band's original tunes. He was a little shocked but pleased. The rest of the guys handed him a guitar, and they went on to play a few more songs. John said many well-known musicians were in attendance at the event, and all were impressed with the band. John was introduced to the DJ's of the radio station by the new drummer, who happens to work as a director at that station. The DJ's introduced John to many influential people and prestigious musicians. So the band made a lot of great contacts and impressed a lot of good people. The club owner asked them to come back. Seeing John that excited at such an opportunity was almost as thrilling for me too. Sometimes his absences are worth it.

Hammy had a fun time too until the very end. I think he really likes being a part of the whole band scene. He rarely gets to do it, since the band is usually playing bars and clubs at night when kids aren't allowed. This was a special day for him, not only because he got to spend time with his dad, but because he got to be a roadie. Kids love being included in grown-up circles. Then he got bored, because that's what eleven-year-old boys do. They were on their way home soon though, so he didn't spend much restless time.

Much to my relief, Hammy seems a little happier overall now that all the out-of-town guests are gone. He's not as lippy or solemn as he was during and after the ex's visit. The birthday party seemed to cheer him up a bit. I don't know why he seemed to change so suddenly, but I won't complain. He is in that awkward pre-teen stage, so there's probably no good explanation to anything he does anymore.

Ok, now that thirteen minutes just passed since I wrote that last paragraph, I think I should probably stop this silly attempt to write anything at all and go do some work or something. I don't want to work. I particularly hate work today, but it would probably do me some good.

Later today, I'm running, because my training program actually kicks in on this, the second day, rather than the first. I fully intend to stick with this program to the letter. I'm sort of daring myself to do this, because that always seems to work. Double-dog-dare me to something, and I'll be sticking my tongue to the metal pole in the middle of winter too. (A Christmas Story reference, if you're so deprived) So there's only 53 days left, which just so happens to coincide with the day of the race. I think my stomach just did a little flip. I don't feel so good. I really must be insane.



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