Make A Star
15 January, 2002 - 9:31 a.m.

Make A Star

It's favor time again. I told John I would help his band if I could, though I don't know how much crossover there is from journal-reader to band-supporter. I suppose that will be seen. Or not, since there's no real way of checking. Anyway�

John's band has a song over at where people get to vote for one of two competing songs. If your song wins, it moves on to the next round. There are four rounds, and if you win all of them, your song will be on a CD. What's most appealing to the bands is the music industry is involved in this. When they submit their songs, they get an industry review before it even goes to competition. So people that matter are actually hearing these songs.

John's band is in the first round now with one of my favorite songs. So if you have a little time to kill and want to sign up over at MakeAStar, you can vote for his band and make him and myself very happy. You don't even have to listen to the song if you don't want to, but I would recommend doing it. If nothing else, you get to hear the singer's genuine British accent. You don't have to listen or vote for any other categories either, though I listen and vote in all of them.

Here's the process:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on "Register FREE"
  3. Sign up (they don't send you a darn thing if you tell them not too, but the newsletter is very entertaining.
  4. Once you're all signed up and verified, click on the "Listen & Vote" button on the left.
  5. Go to Club 5 and vote for these guys with the song Sugar Daddy:

I'll let you know how it goes. I would really love to see my guys win the whole thing. They got a great review on this song, and like I said, it's one of my favorites. It's a lot of fun, and how can you not like a song called Sugar Daddy? I like to joke that John wrote that song about me, instead of the sweet, sappy song he did write about me.

Wanna hear more and help make the band a couple pennies (literally, only pennies)? You can listen to Sugar Daddy and more of their songs at

And that's the end of my commercial.


Nothing today either, and I'm still not feeling guilty about it!


One year ago
Questioning Everything - I don't think I'll ever stop feeling guilty for questions how much Booie hurt.


One Year Ago Today:


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