Gifts and Non-Gifts
16 May, 2002 - 9:03 a.m.

Gifts and Non-Gifts

So� Mother's Day. I woke up feeling like my brain liquefied overnight and was sloshing around in my head. There is a reason, I reminded myself, why I don't drink vodka. I don't know what it is about the stuff, but it always does that to me. I don't get the normal headache hangover. Oh no. I get the swimmy head hangover. I hate that one. I'd rather have a headache. I had a very fun night though, making an absolute fool of myself on the dance floor, so it might have been worth the seasickness.

I drank a ton-o-water and got myself ready to go to the big Mother's Day BBQ at John's aunt's house. This meant having to fix a side dish, and of course, I had absolutely no idea what I was making. I thought about coleslaw earlier in the week but canned that idea while in the grocery store looking at shredded cabbage. It just didn't make me think, Mmm, coleslaw. I was thinking more of mmm, brownies or mmm, torte, but not mmm, coleslaw. I don't think I've ever had that thought in my life, but coleslaw did sound like a good idea earlier in the week. John's family seems to like anything cabbage.

So the coleslaw was out, and I had to figure out what the heck I was going to make that would take absolutely minimal effort. When you want minimal effort, your mind should definitely think pasta salad. Not only did pasta salad sound easy, but it sounded even easier when I remembered I had some McCormick's seasoning packets specifically for pasta salad. I wouldn't even have to mess with herbs and spices or anything. Woo! Not only that, the stuff actually turned out to be good as could be witnessed by my eating a penne here and there after the salad was made.

By the time John and Hammy got home from Ham's soccer game (What's up with that? Having soccer games on Mother's Day.), I was ready to go, and my head had advanced to slushy as my brain made it's way to it's normal, more solid state. But just as we were leaving, the power went out, and a major storm came upon us. As we watched the house across the street disappear through the sideways rain, we were thankful for our chronic lateness. There are still a few people without power after that storm.

Once the storm let up, we went out to pick up some Mother's Day cards. Yes, I said Mother's Day cards. And let me tell you why it's a bad idea to put off buying Mother's Day cards until Mother's Day. Because there will be a really bad stormburst that knocks out the electricity and shuts down every damn store in town. We had to go to a grocery store that had a backup generator to sift through the meager scraps of Mother's Day cards to find one that sounded just a tad sincere. We picked up some flowers too. We have no creativity whatsoever, and the store didn't have any other good gifts. As we pulled out of the parking lot, now an hour and 45 minutes late for the barbeque, the power came back on in the strip mall across the street where the Hallmark was. Flowers and shitty grocery store greeting cards would have to do though, because we weren't stopping again.

On the short ride there, John told me he wasn't able to get me a card either and apologized. I got the treasured homemade cards from the kids, so I didn't much care. He also said that for a combo Mother's Day/birthday present, he was getting tickets to see Cirque du Soleil, which is in town right now. I've been dying to go for� forever. Ever since I saw it for the first time on PBS years ago, I've wanted to go. We're going tonight, and I couldn't be more excited. We're right in the center, only six rows back. I can't wait!

The barbeque was OK, partly because the power was back on there and everyone huddled in the house from the nasty, cold rain outside was able to see and eat warm food. Everyone had already heard about my drunken antics the night before and questioned me on my hangover status. I was feeling quite well by then, which made it a lot easier to put up with the tension between certain family members. Vacation is going to be a real treat this year. That's all I can say about that for now. I just hope I don't have plenty of smack to write about from that week. I might be out running a lot just to get myself out of there, which will be good for me at least.

We came home to find our power still out. I pulled out the book John and I are both reading and fighting over, because we're too damn cheap to buy a second one. I had rights to the book, since it was my special day and not his. I read the rest of the night, and John played games with the kids. There wasn't much else to do. Usually I think of having no electricity as being sort of an adventure, but I wasn't too happy about it on that day when I couldn't even open my refrigerator for fear the food would spoil. We had no idea when the power would come back on. John was nice enough to go to the convenience store and get me some chocolate milk. The store's power was on too.

I was starting to feel pretty crappy by evening. I knew I was fighting a cold Saturday morning when I woke up, but I felt fine by Saturday night. I'm sure the excessive drinking didn't help my immune system though, and I got a full-fledged cold by the time I went to bed on Sunday. So Mother's Day brought me some homemade cards, a plant Booie grew from seed, tickets to Quidam, no electricity and a cold. I'm feeling better now, finally, and I get to go to a long-awaited show tonight, so overall, Mother's Day came in on the good side, but it sure had a tough time getting there.


One year ago
Ugh - This time last year, I was already in my pre-vacation rush. I was sick then too.


One Year Ago Today:


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