Everything But This
11 May, 2002 - 10:49 a.m.

Everything But This

I can't seem to do all the things I want to do and still maintain a regular journal. I seem to think I would be able to handle it, but I'm obviously not, and when I think back, that's the way it's always been. From the very beginnings of keeping a paper journal, I would always have big gaps between writing when life was moving right along. Now that I think I officially kicked the funk, I'm doing more and feeling better.

The big news of the week is I started running again. I decided to follow a training program at World AR, and this time I fully plan to finish the whole program, all 55 days worth. Today is Day 5, which will be my fourth run this week. They aren't long runs, only 20-30 minutes, but they are runs, and that's way more than I was doing. I was so upset over not being in the Pittsburgh Marathon this year, especially after going down there and clapping and cheering the other runners on, that I decided I need to start running and keep with it. I'd also like to be in the Hi-Tec Adventure Race again this year, even though it moved from the nice, local Pittsburgh location to Richmond, Virginia. I have family close to there, so it wouldn't be too bad. I just have to see if I can get a team together to travel down there. I will be doing none of this though if I don't get my act together and stick with some kind of program.

After the marathon, I made a commitment to myself to run it next year. It might only be the relay (if I can get a relay team), or it could even be the whole thing (it pains me to think about that now when I'm running no more than 3 miles at a time), but I will do it. I'm also going to be in our local little community's 5K, which is sometime this summer. I'm sure there are other events if I really want to go wild, but one is good enough for now.

Other than the whole back-to-exercise thing, I've been distracted by reading, John, the kids, housework and just about everything else. Being good about exercise and doing my job takes a lot of concentration for me. I'm obviously much too feeble-minded to handle more or to think beyond what I'm doing. I'm not so good at multi-tasking, I guess.

I have lots to do today too, but I sat down here before I did them to make sure I got something down today, though I don't know that something is truly better than nothing in this case. Waiting for me today is another run, dishes, laundry, teaching Booie to ride a two-wheeler, walking the dog, possibly going to see John's band if we can find a sitter, finding a sitter, and brushing the stupid, clumpy, shedding dog. Oh, what a day!


One year ago
Busted? - It's inevitable that someone I know finds my journal, but I'm nervous about it anyway.


One Year Ago Today:


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