The Nice One
16 May, 2005 - 1:58 p.m.

If I say anything, I'm the one being selfish. It doesn't matter that I'm taking on a responsibility that goes beyond what I feel is fair. Everyone else is busy or whatever, so it falls to me. I'm not busy, and I certainly can't claim whatever (aka irresponsibility, laziness, selfishness). Even if I am busy, it's not a kind of busy that can't be interupted.

So what's the story? John stayed home today. He wasn't feeling good this weekend because he's been forgetting to take his medicine. So his stomach has been bothering him, and it's still lingering today. Self-inflicted illness, but illness nonetheless.

John's mom called a little bit ago. Her mom is having a lot of pain. Her joints have been bothering her, and maybe there's more to it. She's had recurring bouts of gout, and sometimes the diabetes she has gets a little out of control. But she takes good care of herself. Regardless of the reason, pain is pain, and she is having a lot of problems. She goes to a specialist Thursday, but in the meantine, she's getting a script for some pain medication. She can't pick it up, which is understandable.

MIL asked if I could pick it up for her. Her sister is at the wake for her own mother-in-law, so she can't go. Chris doesn't know when he'll get out of work, which is an all-too-convenient and oft-used excuse while he ends up at the bar after work. MIL and her other sister don't drive. The two other grandkids and John work. I offered to help when needed, and I'm willing to do so today.

Since John is not actually working today, I asked him to go with me. He said, "What if works calls?" which is his all-too-convenient and oft-used excuse not to do things he doesn't want to do when he's home sick, or "sick." He can go to the store or pick up lunch when he wants, even though work might call then too. He's left the house when he's home sick on several occasions. Work rarely calls when he is home. It's irritating that he is so arbitrary.

I said it wouldn't take long, and he asked for details. I gave them.

[interupted by the devil himself]

5:42 p.m. - Intellectual Short-Circuit

I've tried really hard to stay calm and explain things, but I haven't done a very good job. His response only makes things worse. I end up losing it. Something I didn't want to do.

[another interuption... there's no point in continuing]


Since I'm so very behind on entries, this whole "tag" thing will be long past by the time I get to today's actual entry. So... I will do my part now, though I really have no idea whatsoever what it is. Who am I to ruin everyone else's fun though? I do enough fun-ruining with my kids.

It appears I am to list six songs and tag six people. I'm pretty darn sure this won't go much further with me, but thanks to todayiamfree for the link. My visit count hasn't been that high in a couple years. Yes, I am totally pathetic.

Six Songs I Like:

The Blower's Daughter - Damien Rice
Nannou - Aphex Twin
Used - Brad Yoder (free download)
James - Josh Rouse
Small Print - Muse
Club Foot - Kasabian

And six people I read that are probably wondering who the hell I am:

(This is hard to do without looking like a kissass, but it's what I read. Like I said, I don't expect this to continue, but you might find something you like.)
Darn Tootin

Those last four certainly don't need links from me, but they're good, and they're still around, which is more than I can say for a lot of the other pages I once read. (sigh)


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