Handwriting Analysis
18 October, 2001 - 5:10 p.m.

Handwriting Analysis

My handwriting sampleThere are plenty of other things I should have been doing instead of going to a handwriting analysis site, but curiosity and a bad habit of avoiding important things made me do it. I've always been intrigued by handwriting analysis, even though I'm also somewhat skeptical about its merit. I read articles about it before and came to the conclusion I'm not a liar, but I am creative and absentminded. So what would this one tell me? I had to find out.

I wrote out the requested sentences as seen above, and I proceeded with the analysis that is really a guide on how to analyze your own writing. No one else does it for you, but the site does make it pretty easy to figure things out. There are times when you have to make judgment calls, like when I determined if my y and g loops were large or not. I decided mine were, based on the sample given. Once done, I sent off the answers and waited for my analysis. How close would it come?

It started off by telling me I was "a most interesting person," something I think it probably tells everyone. It went on to tell me what a "science" handwriting analysis is and how people are using it to screen potential dates, marriage partners and employees. Um� yeah. I'm glad John didn't do that and find out what a freak I am.

Moving on, it told me 40 of 130 handwriting strokes were analyzed in this sample. An email address was given if you want to "dig deeper into the subject." I have a sneaking suspicion a price tag is also attached, but that's just a hunch on my part. Once all the evidence is given about how accurate and revealing handwriting analysis is, I got a reminder that this is all for entertainment purposes only. You know� I'm glad it said that before I called my divorce lawyer or dumped my best friend.

Next I got the actual analysis. Since I deemed my handwriting "very large" in comparison to the examples given and also because my mom has declared my handwriting "big" since I first started scrawling, the expert at ask-sherlock told me I have a driving need for social interaction. That's probably true. I have always liked being around people. This was off to a good start until I went on to read I'm the "LIFE of the party." Well, no� I'm not. JournalCon is a very good example of how far I am from that. I have my moments, but for the most part, I let others stand in the spotlight. Maybe I am an attention monger, and I don't know it. After all, the analyzer did tell me others might see traits I don't see myself.

The analysis did get right back on track by saying people with large writing are "able to juggle several things at the same time, but often get bored if they have to focus on one task too long." That's another way of noting my time-honored tradition of having too much on my plate and never finishing anything.

The next element was letter slant. I have none. The only slant I ever have is in my signature, and that's because I write faster when signing my name than other writing. Why this makes my letters slant, I don't know, but it does. Regardless, I have a vertical style, and that seems to mean I make sound judgments, I'm ruled by my head rather than my heart (ha!), and I'm good under pressure. I've never trusted the logic of my decisions. I think I'm rather wishy-washy. Plus, I totally run on emotion. John might very well laugh his ass off if I let him read that segment of the analysis. If I'm making such good decisions, why do I end up regretting so many of them? I don't know. Maybe I'm not giving myself enough credit. I do work well under pressure and tend to be a little too cool when stressed, which brings me to the next point.

It said, "some may see [me] as 'detached' and 'unemotional'." According to that, I keep my emotions in longer than others and am picky about with whom I will show them. That's probably truer now than it used to be. I hate crying in public, when it never used to bother me. I'm never too happy or angry when there are people around. It made me a saint when Booie was sick, but it usually just makes me seem a little more uncaring than I would like.

Anger was the next topic. This says I let the first offense go and then become an evil demon-beast upon the second. For me, I probably let it go a little longer than two, but I do put the mental "mark on the wall" that it says I do. True to the analysis, I also feel no regret when my wrath does come down. Ask John how many times I've told him "if you screw up, you pay the consequences." Words to live by. I pay lots of consequences myself, by the way.

The message went on to say I'm ruled by self-interest, and yes, it did seem "harsh." When I find myself feeling like a doormat nine times out of ten, I find this statement really hard to believe. I'm often doing things because I think it will make others happy. I say yes way too much and can't seem to say no as often as I should. Maybe this is a twisted form of self-interest so that others will like me, but I don't think that's the point this was trying to make. I'd say this is strike two in the handwriting analysis findings.

It got right back on track when it said I tend to show my affection in a relationship through actions rather than words. I very rarely say "I love you" to John, but I say it to the kids all the time. I've never been one to tell people I love them, and I would much rather prove myself. Words can be very powerful, but overuse can diffuse that power. It means a lot more to John when I tell him "I love you" than if I said it all the time. He's fine with that, so it works.

Moving on, my i-dot is normal. That means I'm loyal. I stand by people and beliefs. I agree, so there's not much to say about that.

It seems the letter o is rather revealing, and my o says I'm "VERY secretive." Well, I don't know what to make of that. When I read further to see that I won't lie, but I avoid giving straight answers, I would have to say yes. Though I don't always answer questions with questions like it says I do, it happens sometimes. Usually that's when trying to pick a restaurant or what to do for the evening though, so I don't know how secretive that really is. My life is on the web for God's sake. My family and friends don't know about it though, so I'm a little torn as to how secretive I really am.

Back to my thought process we go with the letters m and n. My rounded, even letters mean I am very systematic. And if I didn't agree with that, this sentence sealed the deal: I'll bet you read EVERY word of the instruction manual before you start a project. Damn it; I do! Not only that, I hate it when John tries to put shit together without even cracking a page.

Those rounded letters also mean I'm a little slow on the uptake, like during an argument. I always think of the best comebacks at least ten minutes after the argument is over. I hate that. I don't know that it's fixable.

I could set sharpening my wit as a goal, since the analysis told me the crosses on my t's mean I set realistic goals. It also means I'm not a big risk-taker, and I have good but not inflated self-esteem. All are probably true. I'm less a dreamer and more a realist, which makes cloudy-headed John see me as a wet blanket sometimes. Don't call me a pessimist though, or I'll bite your head off. Just ask him.

Further t analysis says I'm pragmatic and secure in myself. Excuse me while I laugh hysterically. Bwahahaha! Ok. Secure in myself? I think not. I have many journal entries to back that up. Levelheaded, I am. Secure, I am not.

My favorite part of this analysis also comes from my t-bar. I have a knife-point to the right which "tells me that you are a bit of a smart-ass." This delights me in more ways than I can say. But then it comes back to bite me when it says I tend to hurt people's feelings if I'm the least bit insecure, because that smart-assery often gets used against people. Too bad I'm not as secure as it tells me I am in the previous paragraph. Then I would just have a "wry sense of humor" that people love.

Since I don't have that, let's move onto the y and g loops that reveal I am "gullible" and a great storyteller. It also says I have a "big sex drive!" Yes, the exclamation point was theirs. To those I say yes, maybe (though this entry is certainly not a good example of my storytelling abilities) and probably. I agree with the judgment that I like variety and get bored easily, which are also traits of a big g-y looper.

Since I press hard when I write, I get a warning and a suggestion with these traits. I better pick a partner to keep up with my active imagination and voracious sexual appetite or have "a spare waiting in the next room!" All righty, then! I've just been branded a nymphomaniac for the first time in my life� that I know of anyway.

Finally, the capital letters of my signature and the pronoun "I" are reviewed. Mine are both a little bigger than the rest of my letters, in particular the ones on my signature. This, they say, means I have a big-ass, but healthy ego. Every time I read those paragraphs, I find myself thinking, "I'm an arrogant bitch," but they try to reassure me this gargantuan ego is a good thing.

For the most part, my analysis was positive, but they probably wouldn't want to piss off someone as conceited and dangerously sarcastic as I am. I tend to think these things are a lot like horoscopes in that they are general enough for people to think it all applies to them. I'm not shocked at how accurate it is like they say most people are. Some of it is right. Some of it isn't, and I know asking my friends and family is just going to confirm those things that I think were incorrect. I've been told enough times that I wear my heart on my sleeve and let people walk all over me to know I'm not as logical and secure as this says I am.

It's always fun to do these things, and that's why I'm always doing personality tests and questionnaires. If nothing else, it does make me look at myself a little more closely, and maybe I'll make some positive changes because of it. Or maybe I'll just leave my big-headed, smart-assed, sexually-starved self as I am.

Start the nasty mail, because I didn't throw anything out again.

One year ago - Ovarian Complaints


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