Still Friday to Me
19 February, 2005 - 1:19 a.m.

It has been such a busy day. Not what I planned at all. John took the day off, which I found out when I asked him if he was going to get up this morning, and he said, "No." That immediately threw the day out of whack, because I don't operate well when he's here. Yes, that would mean I'm unbelievably unproductive, because I'm not very good when he's not here. Anyway, to prove my point, I crawled back in bed with him once I fed the beasts and had Booie off to school (no neighbor-beast today, woo!) and didn't get up until 11 a.m. I would have slept longer too, but John got up and asked if I was going to get up. I said yes, so I kind of felt like I should. Plus, I just should have anyway. So I did.

We went out to lunch, shopped some, stopped by Hammy's school to drop off a check for a marching band CD, and finally back home just in time for Hammy himself to get home. Then I was off to the mall for a birthday gift for Hammy's friend. Hammy came along of course. Stopped by for Girl Scout cookie pick-up, but it didn't look like they were doing it, so I went home and called. Yes, they were! After a bit of tidying up, it was back to cookie pick-up for millions of trips back and forth with armloads of cookies. Same thing again at home. Then sort millions of cookies and call everyone to get them. Have several come soon after calling. Eat the food John was so kind to go get. Handle more pick-ups and do yoga in between. Probably defeating the purpose of yoga, but got it done. Did strength training after all that without interuption. Helped Booie with her friend. Finally sat down for movie with John that actually started at 10 that we didn't start until 10:47 (yay, Tivo!). Hence the late journal entry for Friday.

I think I'm going to sit more tomorrow.


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