What Ails Me
26 February, 2005 - 6:39 p.m.

Just when I think I'm going to write at least a page a day for the rest of my life... Oh well. So it goes.

What I have done is wash my face and brush my teeth, morning and night every day except last night I didn't wash my face. So that's pretty good really, because I didn't even feel like doing that. I just kept telling myself not to miss it, so I wouldn't quit. And I won't.

What has suffered is everything else. Every. Thing. I've felt quite crappy and tired. So much so that I finally chose a doctor and made an appointment. Nothing like a few days of thinking I'm going to die of bone cancer or a brain tumor or some equally horrible thing that comes up whenever I stupidly look up my symptoms online to make me go to the doctor. The pain in my sternum (I learned to quit saying chest after people told me to go to the ER with a look of shock) is getting worse, even after a week of rest. That's the main reason I'm going. Of course, there's also the hearing loss, ice pick headaches, weight, night sweats, wonky menstrual cycle, fatigue, skin problems, and aching foot, but I don't know that I should bring up everything on a first appointment. I'll mention I've had other things going on, maybe mention how my left ear is screwy, and leave it at that. No sense in hypochondriac-ing on a first date.

I didn't go to bed after the kids went to school this week. For all the good it did. I don't know that that's progress, but I'm feeling pretty smug about it. I did work two days at the hospital too, so that can explain being unproductinve just a tad. It wasn't exactly a normal week with the kids off Monday, delayed Thursday, and Hammy home sick Friday. I helped a friend with a fundraiser Friday too. Today was Girl Scout cookie booth sales. So it was busier than usual for me, though I should ahve been able to get some laundry done. If I were normal.


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