Bruises and Scrapes and Gashes, Oh My!
19 June, 2001 - 12:51 p.m.

Bruises and Scrapes and Gashes, Oh My!

I am utterly exhausted. I didn't get up until after 10:00. I had a rotten night's sleep, and I was beat in the first place, so I'm still pooped today. Thank God it's my rest day.

I went on a beginner mountain bike ride that a local bike shop has every Monday. There was only one other guy who was just getting back into riding and myself. I don't know if a small group is a good or bad thing, but at least I didn't feel as stupid when I had to stop a million times, since there were only two people waiting on me.

The ride started off fairly easily, but it increased in intensity rather quickly. We were riding (or in my case, walking) up hills, over roots, through mud puddles and down hills. Some of the track was so narrow that a thorny vine scratched me up. I was scratched again when I opted to go through the weeds instead of over a log. I fell off my bike once; not a total wipeout, but definitely a loss of control. I was as cautious on the downhills as I was weary on the uphills. As I put my foot down on one downhill, I took a chunk out of the back of my leg with a pedal. I hung in there though and felt pretty good by the end of the 3.3 miles we rode. By that time, I was supposed to meet my training partner and her friend, so I didn't finish the final 1.5 miles of the ride. Maybe next week.

I did ride back to the truck, but I rode on the fairly flat bike path that goes alongside the road. I figured that would be a good cool-down for me, since my thighs were burning. I got to the truck, downed half my bottle of water and went on to meet with my running partners. I was so worn out, I didn't even run and had my water gone after one lap of the half-mile track. I walked the whole time but still kept up with the one runner of the group. We walked over an hour. I don't even know how many laps.

I was already beat, but I still had strength training to do. After coming home and eating what was left of the macaroni and cheese John and the kids had for dinner, I did all the push-ups, crunches and other things I was supposed to do and collapsed on the couch. I didn't even want to take a shower; I was so tired. But I was bloody and muddy and sweaty, and there was no way I could go to bed like that.

I cleaned up pretty well, assuring John I wouldn't be scarred for life. He's having second thoughts about this mountain biking activity if I'm going to be getting scars. I was surprised that such a thing would bother him. I told him, as I got better, I wouldn't get so banged up. I hope it's true, but I have a feeling the bang-ups I will have once I get better will be a little more serious. As I said to the guy leading the bike ride, speed hurts. He agreed and told me he had the scars to prove it. I don't think I'll share that information with John.

Now I'm just trying to get up the energy to take my aching legs up and down the basement stairs to get laundry done. I am beyond tired. I think I might have to take a nap today.



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