Overdoing It
20 April, 2005 - 11:57 p.m.

I did three hours of exercise today. Three hours, forty minutes if you count strength training. I really wanted to make up for yesterday, so I added treadmill to my schedule of Tae-Bo and yoga. I only spent ten minutes at a time on the treadmill throughout the day, but I did it seven time. Tae-Bo was in the early afternoon and yoga before bed. It's not something I'd do every day, but I feel good about it today. I am quite pooped though.

Tomorrow I have fifty minutes of Tae-Bo and twenty minutes of treadmill on the schedule. I end up doing sixty minutes and thirty minutes, because of tape length and training for the 5K. Once I've done that, I'll probably follow the program more closely for a while until I sign up for another race. Hopefully The Great Race in September and a 10K at that. I fully intend to do the Community Day 5K in late August too. I've always said I would, then didn't, always because I was way out of shape. I know my time will be better just because it's an easier route, but this year, I will also have trained more for it.

Maybe next year we can go on a beach vacation, and I won't be embarassed to be seen. Though I'd really like to go to Wyoming again. I want to do all the hiking I didn't do last time.

This year doesn't look very vacation-friendly. We'll probably go see a Nascar race in the Poconos for Justin's birthday and have that be vacation too. The kids and I will go to Nebraska for a week or two, but that isn't quite the same. I look forward to doing some inline skating out there though. That will be fun.

Justin is having a vacation right now. Lucky dog. He even gets out of school for this one. He called me this morming. Said Epcot was boring, then later told me about the neat stuff he did there. He also complained about the food and the condiments (or lack therof) for the in-room coffee maker. My reliably gripey boy. I sure miss him! It was a little easier today, since he wasn't on a plane, and I was exercising and doing laundry all day. I hope he calls me tomorrow too, even though it's likely costing us a fortune. Some things are worth it.

Speaking of fortunes, I started opening mail today. The dental bill I though was paid wasn't. We still owe $3000 to Bank America, even though we've been paying it about six years on the plan we had. And there's a $4000 debt to Citifinancial that I really never paid attention to when John got the loan. That's $7500 right there, more actually, and we still have two mortgages on the house, a car payment, and more credit card bills. Heck, I know my credit card is $5500, and the Amex is back up near $1000. We have to take serious action and fast. I think we may be worse off than when we went into credit counseling the first time.

This is making me sick. I'm so worried about all this, but mostly I now I'm facing a horrible uphill battle with John. He's very defiant and doesn't ever want to make sacrifices. He says he does, but when it comes to it, he doesn't make them. I've been living in ignorance far too long. But I'm getting involved. I'm willing to make sacrifices, but I refuse to be the only one. He has yet to even work on things with me, something I told him he needs to do or I'm going to a financial planner, even though he doesn't want to. He better step up, and fast.

I don't want to be dictatorial though. That doesn't work for anyone, and especially not him. He's very immature about so much, money included, and I have a hard time dealing with that. I'm not sure how to demand more from him without being parental. This is one thing I would love to get him on Dr. Phil to address--the finances. I wouldn't go for much of anything else, but for that, I would leave now. Of course, I'd have to write the show and make that happen, and then convince John. I just don't see any of that happening. Plus, since money problems are just a symptom, all our other dirty laundry would come out, and we have more proverbial dirty laundry than real. Which is a lot.

Anyway, sleep would be good. I'm going to try really hard to work out in the morning tomorrow, but I'm not making it easy by being up this late. Not sure I could sleep anyway. John's still not home. This is when I hate the band. One of the reasons. I won't even go into the others.


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