I'm Allowed to be Crabby
24 January, 2003 - 12:15 p.m.

I'm still sick, though my neck is feeling much, much better. I can almost look right without flinching, though I can't really tilt my head back which made washing my hair this morning a challenge. Yes, that would mean I hadn't washed my hair since, let's see, Monday. Before you get too disgusted, I did bathe every day. I just couldn't manage the hair-washing. Even lifting my arms too high was a problem for a couple days, so the hair was left to ferment while the rest of me smelled like roses. Or some kind of flowery concoction. Whatever.

It felt quite good to excavate my hair out of the layers of grime, but the rest of me wasn't feeling so good. In fact, I was feeling downright lousy, but after all the guilt I endured the past two days for missing work on Wednesday, I had to go in. And go in I did.

I thought I managed to make myself look amongst the living. I did my hair and even put on some make-up. I guess the "I'm feeling much better" facade was not too convincing though, because my boss suggested I stay home within the first minute of conversation. I'm a trooper though. I said I'd stick around. After all, I did drag my ass out of bed, washed my hair, and drove all the way in. I only managed to get charts ready before the boss suggested I go home. I hadn't even been there ten minutes. I gave in without putting up too much resistance. I did feel mighty crappy.

I managed to get home just as Hammy was leaving for school. There was another two-hour delay today because of this wretched weather. I'll probably be sick all weekend. I hate cold. I hate colds.

Speaking of this stupid cold weather, it's been warmer in Antarctica where my cousin is than it has been here the past few days. Antarctica! I could go to fucking Antarctica to warm up! Don't give me that crap about it being summer down there. It's Antarctica. It's supposed to be fucking cold down there all the time. We're supposed to be having weather in the 30s this time of year. Hear that, weather controller? Thiirrrrtieeees. One of the perks of moving here was that the weather was a bit more mild than that crazy Nebraska weather. Even they are in the 20s, for God's sake. I might as well move back there. Maybe if I wasn't sick. Or would that be if I weren't sick? Eh, screw grammar. I don't feel good.


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