A Mood
25 September, 2005 - 8:15 a.m.

He finally touched me and kissed me just a few minutes ago. I did point that fact out to him, and he apologized and told me he's just in one of those moods, known in my world as "the funk." At least that's what I hope it is, because a funk just kind of exists. It's not caused by any one thing, but is an overall sense of "eh." Also known as the blahs. It seems to be life's way of saying, "Get your act together," but it really just makes you feel like a loser.

I was going to lie with him, but he was too hot. I should have told him I had no intention of talking. I knew he was hot, but that didn't used to prevent cuddling. In fact, he complained that I didn't like cuddling when I was hot. Yet another role reversal. Why can't we quit reversing and start meeting up? I left him in there and turned the fan on high. Then I came here and turned the AC down, because it does feel warm in here. He is overly hot though, but maybe it will help. Do men get hot flashes? I swear he's got hormone issues.

I asked him early last week if he would like me to make an appointment for his physical. He said he would but not now--too much going on at work to take time off. I'll ask him again in a month or so. I wonder how he'll manage if I leave for Red Cross deployment. The time I'd be away was changed to two weeks. I guess that will help them get more volunteers. People can take two weeks off work easier than three.

I'm all trained now, and I just have to turn my paperwork in. I have one form to finish, and I'll see if John will drop it off for me since it's downtown. Then they just enter me in the system, and I wait for my call. I'm sure I'll get one too. There's still so much to do down there, and with Hurrican Rita now too, there's more need. At least Rita wasn't too horrible. It was a category three when it came on land and not nearly as destructive as Katrina, thank goodness.

I'm pretty nervous now and will probably be more so once I'm registered. I'll have to have a bag ready to go. I may want to get some things too, like cheap t-shirts, extra lightweight pants or shorts, and various items like bug repellent. Once I have things prepared, I'll feel better.

I'm leary of putting my food into iShape today. I'm pretty sure I haven't had enough, and I really don't want to eat now. I'll go ahead and see though.


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