Get Going
26 September, 2005 - 9:45 a.m.

I haven't done anything on my short ToDo list I wrote yesterday. I have done some laundry, but that's it. I set my ball up to do weights. I have not done them. It's been sitting there for over an hour. I have stuff sitting on the table to do. Progress is slow, but at least there's progress. I'm getting there--a centimeter at a time.

John is having a terrible day at work already. I promised him a massage this evening. Hopefully that will brighten his day a little. I feel for him, and I wish I could make it better. I'm afraid at this point, he's not going to be satisfied with anything he does for long. He even gets stressed out from writing now. He and Chris did decide that these two current scripts will be the last they do for Big Producer for a while unless some kind of compensation comes through. They are tired of busting their asses for free. And I think that has John down too. He was looking at that as his ticket out of his current job. I suspect that contributes to why he hates his job so much now. And he accuses me of being idealistic. I still feel badly for him though.

I keep wondering what we can do to make things better for him. I've even thought about bankruptcy to ease his financial worries. We're scraping by, which is good enough to not qualify for bankruptcy under the new law that I think goes active next month. I don't want to go through that again, but I don't want to have John so stressed out and confused that he leaves me. I suppose doing a real budget would be the first step. I also might take over money again--not like before without help or cooperation but to relieve John and understand it all better. I really should see what I can sell too. I'm sure we could manage a garage sale. It wouldn't made a ton, but it would get rid of some things (highly needed) and make a few dollars too. I really should have made the effort to sell that dishwasher instead of giving it away. The dryer too. Oh well. I'll have to try to sell those ceiling fans. Anyway, selling requires organizing, and we need that too. Hopefully, all of that will do something to help around here. And I'll talk to John about doing bills. I haven't been active at all since he showed me. Since payday is Friday, they will need done tonight too. Perfect timing!

I suppose I should get busy. I've motivated myself now, so I better use it.

11:46 p.m. - Same List, Different Day

I actually did get busy and worked hard to get the first two things on my list done. They are almost finished after all that. Packing stuff required lots of hunting and going back and forth. Very frustrating. I'll get them done tomorrow though. I did get Booie's Girl Scout sash done, and that was urgent. That took even more hunting. Lots of time spent hunting today. At least I found stuff. Too bad there wasn't time to find my ring too.


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