Fair Weather Folly
27 July, 2001 - 11:17 a.m.

Fair Weather Folly

It is so beautiful outside that I can't concentrate on anything. The weather cooled off and cleared up, so there's just blue sky and comfortable temps. Makes me want to just sit out there all day long and do nothing.

But noooo, I have to shampoo my carpet, or at least part of it. There are some yucky spots that need attention, since there is carpet in our dining area. Even with a dog, the carpet gets stains, because kids slop things on the floor no matter how neat they try to be. I hate having carpet in my dining area, especially when there's a lovely wood floor underneath, but that's a rant for another day when I'm feeling less enchanted with the weather.

The good side of having to clean my carpet is the fact that the rest of my house is basically clean. There are no dishes to wash, no laundry to do (unless you count yesterday's clothes), no real clutter in the living room and dining room, and even my bedroom is looking pretty spiffy. The bathroom needs a good once-over, and the kids' rooms leave something to be desired, but that's a whole lot less than it was past times visitors were coming. In fact, I was able to have someone drop by yesterday without meeting him at the door to keep him from seeing the house. There's always an up side to every situation, isn't there?

Being caught up in housework sure makes it easier to get ready for guests. I don't have to worry that we have to take Booie to spend the night at her grandma's tomorrow or that we have a wedding reception to attend where the band is playing. I'm not concerned I won't have enough time to finish all I have to do. I still have plenty to keep me busy though. There are still things that I would have liked to do that won't be done. I think that's the way it always is though. Just like owning a house, you're never done sprucing it up.

I'm letting the day get away with me here and postponing my outdoor time, so I'm going to start my work and get outside.



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