Vacation Letdown
28 May, 2001 - 1:36 p.m.

Vacation Letdown

View of our house from the beach deck
I'm back, and I'm not suffering too terribly from the depression of returning home to the daily grind. It might be that I haven't really done any daily grind yet. That's on the agenda for today, but I'm rather looking forward to it rather than dreading it. I actually let vacation be vacation this year, and we only went on one excursion the whole time we were there. The rest of the time was spent lying around the pool or on the beach, exactly what I wanted to do. Sticking around the house also saved us a lot of money, which was a very good thing when our checking account is now in the single digits. There is nothing like a low balance to make noodle soup sound mighty tasty. I think I'll take that trade for a week on the beach.

The beach deck and oceanFor the first year, we had no crises or fights. In fact, I felt a bit bored at times. There was only one night of game-playing and no good drunk stories. I rather appreciate not having to sleep on the bathroom floor or eat dinner in the bathtub. I'm sure everyone else liked not getting trashed either, but it sure doesn't make for any good stories.

View north from the beach deckThe best night in my book was when I finally got everyone to play Cranium. Between my brother-in-law's acting, the cat with a spear in its chest (or cat with gas, I couldn't decide), and the porn star monkey, we were laughing the rest of the week. We will forever joke about Cheetah Holmes. I was supposed to save the picture, but I think it got thrown out by accident. If I had it, I'd most certainly scan it for posterity.

View south from the beach deckOn the more innocent side of vacation, I saw dolphins jumping for the first time this year. Usually you just see their fins and backs as they swim up and down the shore, but this year, j caught them jumping with the waves and told me in time to see it myself. Of course, I didn't have the video camera running then. I probably have about an hour of ocean footage, trying to get dolphins on tape. Editing is a very good thing. We didn't see the dolphins as much this year, but it was cooler, and I guess they aren't as active in the colder weather.

Sunset at the house
We hoped to go on a dolphin kayak tour but were told it would be unlikely we would see them. We opted for the closer salt marsh tour when I got to test out my kayaking skills for the first time. It was much easier than I expected it to be, but the steering part of paddling was a bit more difficult than I thought. I have a tendency to head left (strong right arm), or it could have been the boat, because I went left no matter what I did. I tend to think it was my poor paddling skills though. Still, I didn't flip over, and I stayed with the group. We saw some otters, egrets, osprey, and nutra (river rats), but I think I enjoyed the sunset most of all. I look forward to kayaking again this summer. I could see myself getting into that.

I got a whole lot more sleep than I usually do on vacation. I always used to think I could sleep at home and wore myself out so much that I felt like sleeping for three days straight once I returned home, which could be why I would get so down upon our return. This time, I didn't get up for one sunrise. It turned out there weren't any sunrises to see anyway, so it didn't matter.

Once again, I also had my birthday while on vacation. I turned 32 and still managed to get carded this year. I have a running record of getting carded while on vacation since I turned 30. This year, I got carded for cigarettes of all things, but it's probably because I was making a big deal with John out of not being able to say Marlboro. Turning 32 did not drive me to start smoking again. I was enabling John's grandmother who quit the Zyban while on vacation. I hate buying cigarettes for people, but it's better than being on an in-law's shit list, especially when it's the family matriarch. It managed to get me carded again, so I can still think I look young, at least one week a year.

My mother and father in law treated my brother in law's family and us to dinner that night at a very nice restaurant. I got some delicious lump crabmeat. Crab without having to work for it is a wonderful thing. They told the staff it was my birthday, so I got a slice of tiramisu with a trick candle in it. I managed to blow it out right away without it relighting for a good, long time, which had the waitress giving it a funny look. That's when I knew to expect the resurrection of the flame. At least I didn't have to wear a huge sombrero like the first birthday I spent with John at TGIFridays. I'll have to dig out that Polaroid for a laugh.

Now I'm getting all my film ready to send off to Snapfish. I took more regular pictures than digital pictures this year. It was easier than dealing with two cameras, or make that three cameras. I had the video camera, the digital, and the film camera. Talk about looking the tourist geek when I was toting those around. I didn't do much of that though. After being there for the fifth year, there isn't as much new stuff to photograph. I'm done transferring the digital photos to the computer, so now I just have to send off my film and dub some video for the rest of the family.

Of course, there is laundry to do. I wouldn't be me if I didn't talk about laundry. There's not as much as there could have been, because I did break down and do a few loads on vacation. It was quick and easy because we had two washers and dryers. I'm now convinced we need a second washer and dryer here at home. I'm sure John will be happy to oblige.

Tomorrow I'm going to see about getting my bike. My mom sent bike money; my in-laws are pitching in, even though I told them dinner was gift enough; and John and the kids are contributing too. I think that's much better than getting a bunch of gifts, even if I didn't get to unwrap anything.

It's about time I got to work around here. I'm determined we won't live out of our suitcases for two weeks after vacation this year. I already got the cosmetic case unpacked, so I'm already ahead on that count.



One Year Ago Today:


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