Happy Days Are Here Again (aka First Day of School)
29 August, 2001 - 9:30 a.m.

Happy Days Are Here Again (aka First Day of School)

I'm only kidding when I say that. I do love my children, but I also need time away from them. Still, I was very sad to see them go to school today. My heart seemed to clench up as Hammy disappeared from view while walking to his first day of middle school. I almost cried while standing amongst all the kids and parents at the elementary school, but I managed to hold it back. By the time I got home, I was more thrilled to have a whole day to myself than I was sad.

It still doesn't seem quite real. I don't have to be back by 11:00 to pick up Booie. She's there all day long. I don't have to be home until about 3:00, when Hammy should return home. That's six and a half long hours!

One of those hours must be spent on my mountain bike. I didn't ride on Monday due to rain and laziness (mostly the latter), and I totally skipped doing anything at all Saturday and Sunday. It's mucky out now because we had a big downpour yesterday, but I'm not going to be able to choose the conditions on race day, so I better just suck it up and try to ride anyway. Lord knows I'm cautious enough, too cautious really, so I shouldn't be hurting myself at all. I'll just get extra muddy.

I did Tae-Bo Monday and yesterday, but that's not quite the same as running or riding the bike like I was supposed to do those two days. I think it does supplement my training, but it's not teaching me to be less scared on two wheels or increasing my speed while running. Even when I could go full throttle through an entire advance Tae-Bo tape, I couldn't run more than a half-mile at one time. I don't know why it's so different for me, but it is. Being able to run a few miles also doesn't mean I can easily get through an advanced tape either, so it goes both ways. It's no wonder cross-training is recommended. I can see better than ever how it rounds a person out.

Well, I suppose that ride isn't going to get done while I sit here and write about it. It's already 9:30. I've blown a whole hour! Time to pedal.



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