Housework Keeps Me From Bitching
30 July, 2005 - 1:58 a.m.

The band played tonight. That explains the time. I just started my next book, so I'm not immersed so much I don't want to waste reading time. Finally there is an opportunity to do some recreational writing, but I have nothing to say. That's been the way of it lately. Unless I'm pissed at John, I don't feel like writing. Even when I am pissed off at John, I seldom write. I'm in a lull.

I am not in a funk though. How about that? I've actually been doing work around the house. I know, I hardly believe it myself. Laundry is all caught up, and I even washed our bed linens today, so it feels all crisp right now, and it smells fantastic. Nothing quite like a fresh bed. If I weren't so lazy, or we could afford to pay someone, I'd have fresh linens on my bed each day.

I finally got my pot rack put up. I think that's waited more than a year. Polished all those pain-in-the-ass copper pots I had to have and hung them up, so it looks like I need a pot rack as opposed to having it hang empty for a year. I showed Hammy how to change a light switch. The one in the hall was old, loud, and prone to turning off for no reason. I've had the new switch for months but tempted fate anyway. The house didn't burn down though, or I would have written about it. I showed Ham how to install a light fixture too, and we replaced the ugly, cheap fixture in the hall with the new-to-us pretty one from the inlaw's old house. That would be the house they vacated two years ago, so I guess the fixture isn't even new to us, just new to the hall. It is lovely though. I cleaned and reorganized the hall bookshelf. Hammy tore up the carpet and all the tack strips in there. Then I cleaned the wood floor, which would have looked perfect if there wasn't a large dog pee stain in front of the closet. The hall is still much nicer now, and that's just the hall.

Did more, but I have to go do even more than that right now.


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