Good-bye 2002
31 December, 2002 - 7:07 p.m.

Good-bye 2002

I've never done a year in review, so I'm not going to do it now either. My year here has been rather unproductive and uneventful when I think about it, so it wouldn't be doing anyone any favors to recap that. I got a job. That's the height of my excitement for the year, and that's not all that exciting, especially to people who have had jobs all along. Jobs outside the house anyway.

I've been reading other journals where a lot of people seem to be happy 2002 is over. I guess my year wasn't that bad. It wasn't that great either, so I can't say I'm sad to see this year go either. In fact, 2002 looks like a vast grey area when I look back at it. I hope 2003 will be better.

I'm not making any resolutions this year. I didn't accomplish any of my ones for last year, and I'm still quite pissed about it. As usual, I feel defeated and pathetic. My failure is no one's fault but my own. I know that, and it's not a very comforting thought. I intend to change that, but it's more a life plan than a resolution for the next year. I should have just stuck to my old plan of not making any, so I wouldn't have to suffer the failure of not completing them. Damn resolutions.

One thing I do have to do over the next week is get all my pictures for this journal moved and change all the links for those. It's going to be a massive pain in my butt, but it has to be done. Now that John changed jobs, my pictures are being hosted by a company to which we no longer have an affiliation. His former boss could go in and wipe it all out without notice, and my journal would revert back to some Diaryland template. My design isn't all that grand, but it's better than one of those. I hope to change the design too, but I don't know that I want to devote the time to do so anytime soon.

I have lots on my mind lately. Part of it was the craziness of the holidays. There are other things though, and I haven't been talking about them because I have been avoiding them myself. To talk about them would mean I have to think about them. I know I can't avoid it much longer though, and there's an ominous feeling in my life that darkens an already difficult time of year.

I am ready to bid good-bye to 2002, but I know that it's going to take time before things get easier. Maybe by the end of 2003, I'll be able to say I progressed, which is more than I can say now.


One Year Ago Today:
Return to Me - "Maybe feeling lonely and watching tear-jerkers or love-theme movies isn't t


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