When All Else Fails, Talk About the Weather
10 May, 2003 - 4:51 p.m.

I just can't seem to get it together here. I think about writing entries all the time, but I don't actually sit down and write them. It's not like I'm not doing anything. And there's plenty going on around me with my in-laws separating, and both my brother and brother-in-law headed for financial ruin, but those aren't really my stories to tell. My story? It's full of exercise and figuring out what I want to be when I grow up.

That wasn't meant to be funny.

I'm dragging my feet in the decision department, which isn't all that unusual. I've been doing it for about fifteen years now, so it's more the norm than the exception. I think I know the direction I want to go, then I start going there, and I find out maybe that's not exactly where I want to go. I don't know when it was I decided Physical Therapy was the way to go, probably about six or seven months ago. I got a job as a tech and looked into going back to school. Now that I've been working in the field a while, I am starting to think Physical Therapy isn't really what I want to do, that it's Exercise Physiology that is really what interests me. It always has, and PT is close but not quite the same. I'd learn plenty of physiology going through PT school, but doing PT just doesn't thrill me all that much. Doing tests and research on exercise does.

Then there's that pesky novel. I have that grand idea for a novel that I started when I did the whole NaNoWriMo thing. I decided that was all for naught, and I need to trash what I've done and start over. I hate the characters. I hate the way I was telling the story. I hate knowing that piece of shit is sitting on the hard drive of my laptop. It's that bad. I love the concept. I love putting words together. I just can't seem to take the two and make a good novel out of it. Maybe I never will. I know I never will if I don't dig in and do it, much like I won't ever be anything if I don't get my ass to school and start. It's like trying to catch the end of a hose that's on full blast, wriggling all over the yard.

At least I've narrowed down my choices. I've finally figured out some directions instead of having 400.

I'm running the Race for the Cure tomorrow. It's a 5K, so it's not long, but the course is pretty hilly and tough. I don't know that I'll be able to run the whole thing, and even if I can, I don't know that my partner will be able to do it. We'll see. I'm pretty excited about it. I've been running for a few weeks now, two miles each time. I plan to run the Great Race 10K in September. It will be the longest I've ever run. I hope to be running better than my current 12.5 minutes mile. I'm doing well and having no problems thus far. There's something to be said for building up slowly instead of just jumping right into things and getting hurt.

The weather forecast is not looking very cooperative for tomorrow. It was pouring this morning with thunder and lightning. I really hope that doesn't happen tomorrow. I don't mind rain, but lightning is another story. The race doesn't get canceled except under "extreme circumstances." I'm not sure what qualifies as extreme for them, but lightning does for me. If the weather tomorrow is like today so far, the only bad weather we'll see is during the race. The sun even peeked through a couple times this afternoon, though it's getting cloudy again now.

You know I have nothing to say when I start talking about the weather.

Keeping with the exercise theme, I went mountain biking for the first time in... oh... a year and a half last weekend. I was a little nervous getting back into it, thinking I'd grind my legs into hamburger, but I only had one little cut on my ankle where my pedal bit me. I didn't fall once, and I even hopped a few logs and went down a small, steep hill. Most impressively, I climbed a couple hills. I guess even mountain bike riding skills don't get too rusty over time. I thought about going again all week long, but with the race coming up, I decided running was the better choice of exercise. Now that it's been raining, I can go out and get all muddy while riding. Nothing like getting covered in mud to make you feel like a real mountain biker.

I have to get my butt in the shower, so I can take Hammy to the store. The front rim to his own mountain bike was bent, and we left it to get fixed yesterday. I promised him we'd pick it up. Though I'm not all that concerned about my appearance when I go out, being sweaty, smelly girl is a little too slovenly for me.


One Year Ago Today:
The Master Plan (from two years ago)


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