The trouble with blue hair
16 November, 2000 - 8:42 AM

The trouble with blue hair

My hairThis is my hair. It looks a little darker here than it looks when you're just looking at me, but it's close enough. It's red. My dear daughter says I have mermaid hair. I love my hair. With a little trim, it will be perfect.

I was led to believe red hair meant you couldn't wear certain colors. Like pink. I wear pink. It looks fine. There are colors that don't look that great on me, and I do think it has much to do with my hair, but I think it's that way with anyone. When I dyed my hair dark brown, I didn't look as good in the light colors I wore previously. When I bleached my hair, other colors complemented me then. I've had nearly every hair color in the natural spectrum, but I always leaned toward those golden and red colors.

It wasn't much of a stretch for me to become a redhead. Maybe my lifelong desire to be a carrot top was based on the fact my natural coloring just looked right with red hair. And now, after so many years, my entire wardrobe looks good with my red hair.

I haven't wanted blue hair nearly as long as I wanted red hair, but I probably wanted it as badly. If I were a braver soul, I would just dye my hair blue. But I'm not. So bought the wig. And I love it. But the problem is, I do not have a blue hair wardrobe. Blue hair looks great on me, as long as I'm naked.

That's not as pretty as you might imagine.Blue hair

Notice the major difference between the red hair and the blue hair. I don't own enough black or orange or silver (as overused as the blue and silver thing is right now) or white to look good with this hair while clothed. Now that's perfectly fine with J, but it's not fine if I care to leave the house. I have kids to raise. I can't be getting jailed for indecent exposure. And we aren't exactly moving into summer here. It's damn cold out. I might look pretty fashionable with blue skin to match my hair, but I won't feel so good. And I'm not about suffering for fashion. Well, except for the shoes. But I'm moving away from that. I am.

I do need to get some blue-hair clothes. It's not just the colors that are a problem either. The blue hair brings out something in me that just isn't expressed in the t-shirts and jeans I so often wear, not that I won't wear the blue hair with t-shirts and jeans. Maybe it's just an excuse to buy more clothes. J seems to think so, but then his motivation could be as misguided as my own.

This is all just an unexpected kink in my path to blue hairdom.

Today I got rid of:

IKEA catalogue
Shopping bag
Stack of index cards used but kept as note paper
Bunch of clay pieces
Old, cheap Easter basket
Watercolor paint set



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