It Does Need Done, But...
25 January, 2002 - 11:11 a.m.

It Does Need Done, But�

So far it's been one of those days where I'm doing everything except what I should be doing. John did the unthinkable and sold two of our three pinball machines. He's giving up his beloved Black Knight and the controversial Eight Ball Deluxe for cold, hard cash. The only machine that really ever gets played anymore is my Fire! machine, because I'm the only one that really plays pinball at all. I play whenever I do laundry, and since I'm doing a load of laundry almost every single day, I'm playing my machine almost that much. The others gather dust, though there wasn't much else the EBD could do, since it never worked in the first place. I'm quite happy those two machines are going. Actually I'm really only happy the EBD is going, because it still irritates me. I can do without the BK, because I never liked it anyway. That knight had my number, and I despised him for it. Stupid machine.

Anyway, both machines are leaving tonight when the man from DC who bought them comes to pick them up. That means I need to work on the basement a little bit today whether I like it or not. I just want to get it back to the point where you can walk through it without having to look down; you know� normal like. As it stands, if you even attempt to just walk through like you would any other room, you would surely trip over something and crack your head open on one of the various other things in the way. It's gotten pretty bad again. Luckily, I don't have a digital camera to prove it. Or maybe not so luckily, because that might light a fire under my procrastinating ass.

The rest of the house isn't in such spiffy shape itself. It's far from the disaster that lurks downstairs, but it can use some tidying up. Of course, I haven't done any of that either.

So what have I been doing? Well, I haven't been loafing. I haven't even been surfing the web or various other time-wasters that so often keep me from important tasks. In fact, I've been doing something that does need done. I've been cleaning up my hard drive.

The hard drive is a big mess, because we are just as sloppy in our computer world as we are in our home world. If anyone ever tried to crack our system, he would give up in frustration, because everything is so disorganized, scattered, and ridiculously old. I targeted my own little partition today and started cleaning off old files, reorganizing things into folders, and zipping up stuff that I don't use that often but still want to keep. My section of drive space looks much nicer. All I need to do now is back the stuff up.

It took me the better part of this morning to do all that. I would get sidetracked every now and then to read something or look through pictures I hadn't seen in a while, but mostly, I stayed on task and straightened it up fairly well. But my house still isn't any cleaner.

What I did do is manage to avoid eating any more this morning. I was having a munchie attack almost as soon as I got up and ate far too much for "breakfast." Breakfast was okay until I ate that brownie, and then it devolved into something less than breakfast to me. Even after the brownie though, I still wanted more. And believe me, the rest of that half a pan of brownies knew my name and knew how to say it. I practically had to cover my ears like a five-year-old and yell, "No, no, no. I'm not listening. I'm not listening. Blah, blah, blah�" Instead, I did the adult thing though and poured myself another cup of coffee.

Now that my hard drive organization is complete, I'm trying not to be tempted to do the rest of the partitions, which would take me the next two days or maybe more. I have to prioritize. I have to get the house straightened up. No, I can't go test out the truck's new brakes and axle bearings. No, I can't walk the dog. No, I can't even go grocery shopping (you know I'm avoiding when I'd rather be grocery shopping!) Must. Clean. House.


I did throw a lot away, but I'm only going to list the stuff I put in the Goodwill bag, because I don't remember all the other

Piglet toy and books that went with him
Cheap heart frame
Address book I got for free


One year ago
What Matters - Booie's first day home from the hospital.


One Year Ago Today:


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